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Monday, July 22, 2013

Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Plant At Risk For ‘Early Retirement,’ Report Says

Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant was listed as one of almost 40 nuclear reactors across the U.S. that is at risk of closing early, according to a new report from the Institute for Energy and the Environment at Vermont Law School.

The lone commercial nuclear power plant in Maryland might be on its way to early retirement for primarily economic reasons, the report’s author said. No dates were given for any reactors on the list and the author insists he’s not making predictions.

A spokeswoman for Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, the owner of Calvert Cliffs, said in response to the report that there are no plans to retire the plant early. The company brags on its website that the plant got a 20-year extension of its license in 2000 after replacing the steam generators.



  1. Yeah, 'cause solar and wind are so cost efficient and run night and day and during thunderstorms.


    This is Obama making energy costs "skyrocket" like he promised.

    Write your Congressmen, these guys sell you electricity to you even though they are not in your District!

  2. Duh, a 20 year extension in 2000. Looks like it will be closing in 7 years.

  3. So, isn't the solution to start building the next nuclear facility with all the upgrades so that it can come online when this one retires? Is this something we can"t discuss????


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