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Friday, July 05, 2013

Bride's Moving Tribute at Father's Grave Will Break Your Heart

A photo of a bride at a gravesite that perfectly captures the dichotomy of grief and joy has triggered an outpouring of online emotion, touching a soft spot with hundreds of thousands of viewers and stunning the Michigan–basedphotographer behind the image.

“It’s been a little bit shocking,” Kari Wieringaof Zander & Breck Photography, based in Grand Rapids, toldYahoo! Shine. “The number of online hits has been mind-blowing. I didn’t even know it was possible.”

Since Wieringa snapped the image in early June and posted it on her company’s Facebook page on June 13th it has gone viral, receiving more than 700,000 likes, 35,000 shares and thousands of comments.


  1. Another staged photo.

  2. 5:08, be quiet and go away!!!

  3. It all part of life, and I feel for her sorrow, someone she loved wasn't there for her special day.

  4. 10:24 AM...But someone with a camera just happened to be there?


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