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Sunday, July 14, 2013


Jury can consider lesser charge of manslaughter in the trial of George Zimmerman.

From FoxNews

Judge in George Zimmerman trial rules jurors will not consider possible 3rd-degree felony murder charge

Jury in George Zimmerman trial will be instructed on murder in the 2nd degree, manslaughter in the 1st degree charges

Prosecutors start closing arguments in George Zimmerman's 2nd-degree murder trial 

Prosecutor in closing argument: George Zimmerman pursued [Trayvon Martin], didn't wait 'for the police to come and do their job' 

Prosecutor in George Zimmerman trial: 'The law talks about accountability and responsibility for one's actions; Hold him accountable for what he did' 

State prosecutor says George Zimmerman never identified himself as neighborhood watch because he already 'assumed [Martin] was a criminal' 


  1. She's bracing for the inevitable.I would call it CYA,but actually the court system is doing this to convince the masses that they did everything they could to nail Zimmerman, even thought that appears unlikely.This action may relieve the tension somewhat in the aftermath of the jury's decision,but the masses will eventually pick up on it.Rev Al will make sure of that.

  2. This trial is a farce! The man should never have been brought to trial as the evidence has shown. The "fix" has been in the whole time from the judge, the prosecutors, local government, right up to Obama. They want his ass for the outraged black community. If the thug had just reacted in a normal way instead of trying to beat the hell out of a man protecting his community, he would be alive today. We should be outraged at the way all of this is being handled. It's all politics and show and they want to burn Zimmerman any way that they can. Watch out for your own government, it could be you next time. Oh by the way, Obama I agree, if you had a son, he would look and act just like Trayvon, you're both problems to society!

  3. Um, I don;t know laws that well but, How can they change the charge in the middle of case? also, how can they add a charge in a case thats ongoing?

    Also, shouldn't they have to re charge him after the trial is over if he wins, with manslaughter? and if that is the case then doesn't double jeopardy come into play?

  4. I am truly.sad that Trayvon was killed. His life was taken forcefully by another human being at such a young age. But could you imagine being GZ right now? How paranoid will he be if he gets off free? I mean just doing ordinary everyday things could become a life or death situation. Having to get gas, pay a bill, return to work! His safety is not promised. And to think about him in jail.....well use your imagination. I feel for both families because they are both in the losers circle. No one wins in this situation. And the media is making this out to be about race. Know that the Devil is the worker behind this madness, dont become employed by him. Dont feed into the hate. Thank You for your time.

  5. The statement that Obama made and taxpayers money that was spent by the DOJ to organize protests, should be grounds for dismissal of all charges.

  6. 1125-You have a few levels of standards as far as legal stepping stones in proving a case. Prosecution may have failed to prove Murder 1, but in the process proved Manslaughter. It is not double jeopardy, and this happens in trials every day across the country. It goes back to what has been proven, and how that relates to standards. They are not adding a charge.

  7. This is outrageous. This judge has been biased, and should have acquitted him when she had the chance. The appeals will be long and ugly, but the fact remains, he will be a marked man for the rest of his life, for protecting his own life.

  8. Now I'm one that felt that GZ should have gone to trial and that he wrongly killed TM. Despite my opinions, the one thing that I've wanted to see was the man get his day in court. This ruling seems counter to justice and should worry anyone concerned about legal protections. State can't get me on the charges they filed, so just change the charge at the end of the game?? Whaaat?

    As for 11:23, I think the normal way to react to a stranger who follows you then confronts you IS to punch him in the mouth before he can grab you, which is what I think is exactly what happened. After GZ got knocked down he got scared and reached for his weapon. At that time TM sees the gun so he dives for it and is eventually shot. Not enough evidence to convict GZ on manslaughter though.

    12:03 how about you get more information that was presented in the DOJ post. And please tell me how Obama's statement regarding this being a tragedy and for us to wait to get all the details of the case supposed to somehow negatively influence the case. Oh, I know, because he actually showed empathy for parents that lost a son. I get it now.

  9. 12:41 Has Obama shown empathy for the black guys family that was shot in the face in Delmar on Sunday. No, because both were black. We have dead Vets returning from war and Obama has never even sent the family a letter. But, when a gay black basketball player comes "out of the closet" Obama calls him to congratulate him for his courage. Give me a break you liberal moron.

    1. Obama Crooked MotorsJuly 11, 2013 at 2:54 PM

      Well said. AGREED 100%.

  10. Obama Crooked MotorsJuly 11, 2013 at 2:15 PM

    12:24 sounds like you were either there or you are just an idiot. Im not the expert so I just present the facts. When Obama made statement "If I had a son he would looklike Trayvon Martin" doesn't have anything to do with empathy. Was he looking at picture of 12 yr. old TM or 17 yr. old TM? He assumed little "innocent angel" Trayvon was "murdered" by "White Hispanic Man", story created by MSM and "made another drama" by no other than Al Sharpton. Showing Empathy to the family would be : "Sorry for your loss". Now if Barrack said " If I had a son and he would looklike O.J. Simpson" I would believe that in a second.

    1. Obama Crooked MotorsJuly 11, 2013 at 2:50 PM

      Not 12:24 but 12:41

  11. 12:41 "As for 11:23, I think the normal way to react to a stranger who follows you then confronts you IS to punch him in the mouth before he can grab you, which is what I think is exactly what happened. After GZ got knocked down he got scared and reached for his weapon. At that time TM sees the gun so he dives for it and is eventually shot. Not enough evidence to convict GZ on manslaughter though."

    Are you serious right now? I have been in his situation while walking to my house, and not once did I have the reaction of an unprovoked attack. With all of the signs posted of neighborhood watch, if he had nothing to hide, why even have the confrontation? He was closer to his fathers house than he was to Zimmerman. Why not run home, tell your father what happened, and let it get sorted out? Call the police from the house, and let them come check out Zimmerman... No, he traveled back for the confrontation.

    If you have nothing to hide, why would you be concerned?

  12. When George gets aquited on this, and he will, the masses will use it as an excuse to get all kinds of electronic items for free! (Looting) and the useless cops will just watch!

  13. He can still get 25 yrs.this is All political. Bs

  14. Trayvon was a street punk thug that got what was coming to him. If he wasn't shot dead by Zimmerman who knows how many people would have been victimized by Trayvon in the future.

  15. 12:41 Obama had no business even speaking on the case at all. He did it for politics only. When my sister was shot and killed years ago, did that sitting President make a speech about it? No, he didnt.

  16. Obama Crooked MotorsJuly 11, 2013 at 3:13 PM

    12:41 this year alone there were 218 murders in Chicago (Obama's self procclaimed hometown). Did Barrack made any "empathy" related speeches to these victims families? No he didn't. So, why is he so concerned about Sanford, Florida?

  17. 2:15, Obama has spoken out on several occassions about black youth violence. M.O. just gave a hihgly publicized speech on it a few months ago. I didn't even hear about the dude getting shot in Delmar so I doubt Obama heard of it. And it seems I hear the pres. constantly give praise to the sacrifice of our vets. In fact, I thought you guys were mad because he sent autosigned letters. Now you say there are no letters? Funny how you seem to turn a legal argument (which it seems we may agree on) into me being a "liberal idiot" because we disagree on one point. Typical from this crowd.

    2:15, maybe you should have read Obama's entire statement, not just the piece Limbaugh spoon fed you. You might not be as upset afterward.

    2:21 if a stranger is following you, then jumps out and actually comes within your proximity in a threatening manner, you would be smart to strike that individual before they grab you or strike with a weapon. I know this is the Eastern Shore but realize that in most places in the US, this is SOP.

    2:33 winner of the clown argument of the day. The TM case received national news. Last I checked, it was also SOP for pres.'s to speak during these times. Especially when a major portion of that president's base is speaking out. If he wouldn't have spoken you guys would have just claimed "Obama doesn't care about you". So do us a favor and stick a sock in it.

  18. The state is doing it's best to convict him of anything, to keep the natives from looting, burning and pillaging. That's not justice! Blacks kills scores of blacks in a week, where is that outrage? Blame it on the Hispanic guy?

  19. 3:59 The letters, autosigned or not do no longer come from the President. They come from the Department of Defense. Please comment when you know what you are talking about.

  20. 3:59 Yet it has been proven that Martin "got away" from Zimmerman, yet circled back to confront him. Zimmerman did not throw 1st punch, nor was he the aggressor, both are facts that have been proven in this case. Zimmerman was in the right to use the force he felt necessary to stop Martins attack, period.

  21. 12:41-The problem with taking Z. to trial is there's nothing really to charge him with. The state has multiple theories (it's the defense who comes up with alternative theories!) The race baiters have forced the justice system to resemble a circus.

    The "normal" way for someone to react to a stranger following them is to immediately call 911 like Z. did. M. had more than ample time to hang up the phone but he continued to talk to the girl. He wasn't scared. It's naïve and/or unreasonable to think he was.

  22. 3:59-A president doesn't get involved with state's issues such as their justice system. As the president Obama should be aware of that and also as a lawyer.
    It's not proper and it's not done by a serious competent president.
    He's got his own departments and agencies that he is supposed concern himself with and we all know how that's working out.

  23. Obama Crooked MotorsJuly 11, 2013 at 5:51 PM

    3:59 I get it - you as Obama-lover believe every word coming out of your master's mouth. And great talker he is no doubt. But let it be known the talk is overrated and actions speak volumes. Its painfully obvious he cares more about the Martin/Zimmerman case, which by the way has nothing to do with him or his job, than Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi who along with 3 other american soldiers got slaughtered while waiting for hours and hours for help which never came. And then called it " Small Bump In the Road" and apologzed to Muslims for some video. So, yes, we can see where his priorities are. He let the U.S. Ambassador hang to dry, so do you think he cares about you or me? Maybe you thought I must be republican and spend my time listening to Limbaugh, which Im not. Nowadays you could be Independent, do some fact checking and verifying, and start to do some thinking on your own

  24. Apparently, the state can skew the laws any way they please to prosecute a white or Hispanic defendant. I guess this is affirmative-action justice at work.

  25. Anyone who thinks Martin was scared because someone was following him either didn't listen to the trial or is in denial. He was not scared. He talked on and on with the girlfriend. He had more than enough time to hang up and call 911. He told her about the "cracker" long before he hung the phone up. He was also very very close to the residence where he was staying. Z. had no idea who he was and where he was staying but in his interrogation it was apparent that M could have been home in like 30 seconds more than once. He was wandering around lying in wait for Z.
    5:10-Not established who threw first punch but state's own witness said it was Z, on the bottom being pummeled by M. "MMA style."
    It makes no difference who was the aggressor or who threw the first punch. What the jury has to decide is if they think Z was in reasonable fear for his life or serious bodily harm.

  26. Obama doesn't get involved in other blacks deaths because he's typical ghetto. You don't see those boys in the inner cities getting all riled up over the Chicago and other cities murders but they are all jazzed up over this one.

  27. grasping at anything now

  28. The case should have never gone to trial. There was political pressure from the local liberal politicians to arrest Z. Zimmerman had the right to defend himself against that thug with the local stand-your-ground defense laws, PERIOD. People are getting tired of black crime going unpunished because of the politically correct climate. If the Blacks want to riot over justice being served then they are playing into the hands of the very people that want to see them slaves to the democratic plantation (Democrats, socialists, communists, the main stream media a.k.a. MSM, and Obama). Wake up to whats really going on. Do you really want to start a war with white people? Is this going to help the cause of black people in the US? I don't think so. It will set it back to pre-civil rights days. It will take another 50 years to get back to the normal before Obama and his liberal MSM lapdogs did everything possible to stir up racial strife.

  29. Please, everybody stop and take a deep breath here. Who is on whose side of the argument is not important. The issue is that the President of the United States should have never made a statement on this incident at all. Obama is a racist and always has been. Yet, he received federal funding as a foreign student but was born in Hawaii. I assume the laws of this country do apply to the Presidency.

  30. if Z is found not guilty another truck driver will be drug out of his truck and have the hell beat out of him, how soon we forget. loot and burn away... i am getting more prejudice everyday, sick of the black-white thing.

  31. A lot say that Trayvon was just out for snacks but in reality that is just an assumption. No one can say that in all honesty because the fact stand that no one knows. It's just ignorant to even repeat that and shows a total and complete lack of the process called thinking.
    This all goes back to the government school's goal of dumbing down students so they are incapable of thinking reasonably.


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