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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Armless Man Gets Seatbelt Ticket


  1. If they can modify the vehicle for him to drive, then they can modify the vehicle to have the seat belt installed.

  2. if hes THAT disabled, than maybe he shouldnt be driving. however, if he thinks he CAN drive, than he must follow the rules just like everyone else.

    i cannot understand why so many people think they are the exception to every rule and they are poor lil victims.

  3. Everybody wants to be "equal", but then think they should have special privilege. I wish I were the judge, I would do everything I could to jail this guy for wasting my time.

  4. God, you people are just as stupid as the cop that wrote the ticket.

  5. I seriously can't believe what I'm reading from other posters! Think about it...if he's in the car alone, HOW can he buckle his seat belt with no arms? I agree with 1:11!!

  6. If you listen to the video, it states that there are medical exemptions for situations like this. The Cop did his job, the driver needs to apply for medical exemption. Because he is handicapped, he is not above the law.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you listen to the video, it states that there are medical exemptions for situations like this. The Cop did his job, the driver needs to apply for medical exemption. Because he is handicapped, he is not above the law.

    July 24, 2013 at 3:45 PM

    Yeah, yeah, it's kind of obvious he would qualify isn't it? The video also states he has been stopped before and no one has ticketed him or worried about any permit or paperwork. Just another gung ho cop writing a frivolous ticket that the D.A. will probably quash.

    Above the law? Really? We have all kinds of LEADERS, including the POTUS thinking they are above the law and you are worried about a guy who has to open his truck door with his foot? Come on.

    That cop should be ashamed and embarrassed of himself, for doing his job! But yet, there will always be SHEEPLE who will side with the asinine government than the individual.

    Pretty soon you will need a permit to wipe your ass.

  8. 6:36 You are so right!

  9. if this guy was flying at 120mph, would that be acceptable to you? or driving under the influence? or shooting a gun from his window (using his feet of course!)? after all, according to your logic, he doesnt need to follow the rules of the road.

    as for 636pm, we should punish both parties (or ANY party for that matter). not let one guy get off scott free because someone else is getting off. thats what got us into the mess to begin with...allowing one concession, then aanother, then another...

  10. The answer to this is so, so much simpler. And, it is.., there should be no gd seatbelt law.. AT ALL.
    No one would argue that it is a good idea to wear a seatbelt but.., as a law it is just one more freedom that the police-state we call America has taken from us. The true reason for this law is 1.) money (insurance companies & gov't) & 2.) to give law enforcement the opportunity to stop/detain & search, if only visually and by scent.., your safety is fallout.


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