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Sunday, July 07, 2013

Americans Don't Know WHY We Celebrate the 4th of July or WHAT COUNTRY We Declared Independence From!


  1. no surprise ... uninformed voters

  2. I'll bet they all voted for Obama.

  3. Sad, very sad. All they want to do is drink.

  4. This ain't funny. It's disgusting.

  5. It's our job to educate them to vote Republican.

  6. I guarantee if you ask if they were educated in government/public schools; they answer would be very near 100%.
    not only sad, but scary. these people are our future and to think they have no real future. unsuspecting, uninformed, ignorant, and sometimes stubborn parents and educators allowed this travesty.

  7. Uninformed is not the word for it. Uneducated is what they are. Sadly these people vote and more than likely voted for Obama and other Democrats.

  8. That is VERY sad and DISGUSTING!!!!

  9. This is the product of our present day education system that we give over half our tax money to.

    Roads Dept. and cops do a better job on 15% of that money.

    See anything wrong here?

  10. sad. a local tv station asked people in oc what the reason for fireworks was, the date of revolution, which country we fought, etc.

    Only one guy got the answer right. and he didnt seem that sure of himself. doesn't really surprise me especially in oc.

    bet they could tell you when their fav beer was brewed and the owners name and such.

    nice job, public education system.

  11. This is why teaching history in schools is so important. Parents of public school students need to speak up and demand that U.S. History continue to be a required subject. The liberals don't want the younger generation to know the truth of our forefathers' intent. That's how you get someone like Obama elected.

  12. Most americans are stupid, look who they voted into the highest office!


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