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Wednesday, July 03, 2013

ABC Arrest Of Water-Toting U.Va. Student Prompts Flood Of Calls

CHARLOTTESVILLE — The arrest of a University of Virginia student by state alcohol agents who mistook her bottled water for beer has sparked a public outcry.
The Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control's headquarters in Richmond was besieged on Monday with phone calls and emails from the public questioning the way the incident was handled, agency spokeswoman Maureen Haney told The Daily Progress.



  1. If you read the original story, she was approached by 1/2 dozen men and a woman in street clothes flashing unidentifiable badges. One drew a gun, and one jumped on the hood of her car.

    Keep in mind when this happened, she has done absolutely nothing except come out of the store with bottled water and ice cream she purchased.

    No wonder she and her 2 girl friends panicked. 7 people on patrol to arrest 3 twenty year-olds for underage alcohol purchase??? WTH???

  2. Similar to ocean city police targeting underage drinkers. I can't imagine what it is costing the tax payers. Meanwhile Muslims are transporting 50 million dollars of illegal cigs through Worcester county for the last ten years and no one in law enforcement notices.

  3. "The ABC is reviewing the incident. An earlier review by the agency found no wrongdoing."

    I would say 6 men attacking and pulling guns on 3 girls who bought water and ice cream is "Wrongdoing", but, that's just me in my little crazy world....

  4. She's lucky she wasn't shot. Cops with common sense, restraint, and respect for the people they (don't laugh) serve disappeared long ago. How can SEVEN cops think it was necessary to pull a gun out on two WOMEN?? Tough guys. And jumping on the hood of a car? To hell with damaging a citizens property, huh? WE ARE THE POLICE!!! If THAT ain't out of control, power-tripping Gestapo BS, then there is NO limit to their goonery. There were TWO women, so I'm sure the cop reasoning for this over-the-top crap was that they were "in fear for their lives". After all, it was only seven cops against two females....they HAD to be afraid...

  5. good thing the girls didnt have dogs or those would probably have been shot.


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