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Sunday, July 07, 2013

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 7-6-13

Joe, the paid fire engine crew at Station 16 has been self dispatching and chasing ambulance calls all morning. This is not a standard governed by law and it should cease. This is a waste of tax dollars and precious resources and only done for job security. Jim Ireton, Jake Day and Laura Mitchell do what is right and put a stop to it now.


  1. Is there a chief in charge?

  2. Excellent post. This resorts to nothing more than a joy ride with lights and sirens for the engine crew and raises the numbers for call volume that no one checks. Just as said in the post this is done for job security. If someone checked the actual calls responded on they would be shocked and realize the volunteer can handle the fire calls which are far and few between.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Is there a chief in charge?

    July 6, 2013 at 12:57 PM


    There is a lazy overweight guy who kissed Iretons butt till he got the position. Funny how this same guy constantly attacked Ireton along with Gordy during the first election. The things people will do just to get a job.

  4. 12:57 PM the answer is no.

  5. get over it already people...

  6. Please fire Rick Hoppes now!

  7. That same paid fire engine crew self dispatched itself this morning on a minor MVC on the bypass. Station 2 volunteers and a Delmar ambulance were dispatched to the minor MVC on the bypass. The Delmar ambulance was dispatched because the Salisbury ambulance crews at the hospital never told anyone they were available. So now you have 2 fire engines and 2 ambulances slowing down and blocking traffic on the Salisbury Bypass for a minor motor vehicle accident. That had to be frustrating for the people traveling on the bypass thinking there was a serious accident in front of them. What a waste of tax dollars.

  8. Anonymous said...
    get over it already people...

    July 6, 2013 at 1:33 PM

    So this clown thinks it's OK to waste tax dollars. I tell you what. Sign your name and address and prove that you live in the City of Salisbury and maybe some of us people will get over it already.

  9. Them,do the right thing?,don't hold your breath!

  10. they blew by 13 and nanticoke at 1015ish - lights on. ambulance and 1 truck. i see them up at food lion, set setup, lights on, 1130. what was going on?

  11. Firemen gone wild. Ireton should have never hired Rick Hoppes.

  12. If Joe had won Hoppes wouldn't have been hired and there would be none of this malarkey going on. But the people spoke and voted Ireton back in. Most voters don't care if the firemen eat drink be merry or hop on trucks and become ambulance chasers. I guess tax payers care but most tax payers can't vote. Until that is turned around youse people are wasting your time complaining.

  13. No emergency. Just needed to cash some checks at SECU. Don't understand why they aren't educated on direct deposit.

  14. They are being paid to sit in the station and do nothing or to run calls. So it's not a waste of "taxpayer" money, which all firefighters are taxpayers.

  15. Do any of you think your comments mean anything. Let me tell you "NO" they don't. Why? Cause they don't care about you or me. Only themselves.map

  16. Anonymous said...
    They are being paid to sit in the station and do nothing or to run calls. So it's not a waste of "taxpayer" money, which all firefighters are taxpayers.

    July 6, 2013 at 8:22 PM

    Shows your intelligence Bozo! Not one paid firefighter lives in the City of Salisbury or pays Salisbury city taxes.

  17. 911 call needed now! The city is on fire, and it was started by the same people who will put it out.

  18. The paid fire crew from the new fire palace tried to squirrel another call from the volunteers at Station 2. This has got to stop.

  19. Anonymous said...

    July 7, 2013 at 12:18 AM

    What's wrong? That you don't know how to make a comment?

  20. fireman pay taxes just like the rest of us.

  21. It's started again. The paid crew at Station 2 has self dispatched themselves on Truck 2 for a medical assist at Salisbury Nursing Home.

    When will it end!

  22. Anonymous said...
    fireman pay taxes just like the rest of us.

    July 7, 2013 at 2:29 PM

    Wrong again!! Please tell me what fireman live in the City of Salisbury and pays Salisbury City taxes.

    Please list them by name so that we know who they are! I bet you can't do it.

  23. Fireman pay just as much tax as everyone else does.


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