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Sunday, July 07, 2013

4th of July DUI Checkpoint Drug Dogs, Searched Without Consent.


  1. We have lost most of our freedoms and it gets worse every day. All in the name of safety. What a bunch of crap. How long do we tolorate it before we say enough is enough and demand change for the better, not Obama change.

  2. They are all illegal .and the sheeple dont care. They have to see you swerving speeding etc to pull you.dont participate in their Nazi tactics. I dont care if they get a drunk driver.get maybe two while vilolating hundreds rights.its bull

  3. Keep screwing with the POPO and see where it gets you. These people just don't get it when they taunt the law.

  4. Did you contact an attorney?

  5. Didn't see you at Willards ot Red White and Boom. Both had great shows, glad they were two different nights.

  6. 12:29, I think you have it backwards...the POPO keep messing with the people and they will see what it gets them

  7. Welcome to the new police state. Don't question the actions of police, just comply.

  8. This is criminal next theyll do random home invasions without consent

  9. The dog should be kicked of the force for wrongfully alerting thatll keep these cops from using excessive foce

  10. A few things to consider on both sides. Just because you said you have never done any drugs, that doesn't mean anyone should believe you. Clearly you were looking for a confrontation, as you were riding around recording the drivers side window, I mean who does that, except for someone looking to get notoriety after posting the video on the web. I will also state that dui checkpoints are LEGAL as the US Supreme court has stated so. Knowing that this police officer, did not follow the law, as to what he is supposed to say or do and he had no right to make you roll down the window or ask you to pull to the side. I base this on what is on the video. If it's been edited to make the officer look bad, then I take back what I said. If everything is as you recorded it then you have a basis for a law suit for these violations.

  11. Someone would be paying to paint my car.

  12. The dog did not alert, it did what it was trained to do with that voice and hand command. The officers mightily stretched probable cause to include the "suspect" acting wholly within his rights. There was no safety issue evident. It was a pissing contest using Good Ole Boy police tactics. Touching the camera for no good reason was the last straw. Way to go, J.R.

    A complaint should be lodged with the agency head, the county attorney, the state's attorney, the states attorney general and the ACLU, to name a few.

  13. 12:290 here. I used to mess with 50 way more than this guy did. They just wore me down until I gave it up. When these storm troopers can shoot your dog, kick in your door, drive like maniacs, all in the name of the law a sane citizen will just stay out of their way. Thats all I'm saying.

  14. 12:29 spoken like a true sheeple.

  15. Hardly any difference in the Gestapo of 1943 demanding "your papers!!" and the Gestapo of 2013 making up excuses to search you, detain you (you thought you could travel freely, huh?) and damage your property. And the police wonder why so many citizens (in the MILLIONS) don't like them, don't want any contact with them (you could get killed), and don't respect them. Lucky he was WHITE. A black man might have been killed. As the lady so succinctly put it, they "have forgotten their place". Further, all the citizens who cheered these DUI Nazi checkpoints? See where they have gone with it? JUST LIKE I TOLD YOU. No evidence of any crime, but forced to stop, submit to a search, and openly threatened. In a couple of years, I'm going to be telling you "I told you so" when armed drones patrol over our nation. That is, if they haven't secretly detained and imprisoned me (or YOU). Our "rights" are almost gone now. Public SERVANTS? Public MASTERS and they don't hesitate a second to laugh when you mention "constitutional rights". Don't say it twice, though. You may wake up in the hospital. Or worse.

  16. if you're operating a motor vehicle you have to show a drivers license.

  17. When stopped for a traffic violation and then asked for a consent to search the vehicle - The answer you give is always NO!!! and they cannot search the vehicle without your consent.

  18. However if you act in the manner of this arrogant P.O.S. I would put you in a cell quick FAST AND IN A HURRY.

  19. At least that explains what happened to Jimmy Hoffa.He's working as a PO at checkpoints.

  20. Citizens have a RIGHT to be "arrogant" with ANY government official. They SERVE us. And should act like it...they always claim to 'serve the people', but their idea of "service" is, apparently from the video, different than ours. And notice how, while serving the "people", its never any of the people in front of them. Its always the people somewhere else....and does their training include dealing with contentious or "uppity" CITIZENS in ways that DON'T involve murder, assault, or some "WE ARE THE POLICE!!" macho BS?

  21. Ronald Tilghman: spoken try a tried and true jack-booted-thug..Since when is referring to an officer as "Sir" being arrogant?? There are rules that the police must follow during any lawful stop and this cop broke every rule in the book. And you are fine with that?

    "Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither."

  22. You know we are in trouble when a citizen, innocent of any crime, gets stopped at a Nazi checkpoint, and after calmly and respectfully asserting his rights, is PURPOSELY threatened, searched under trumped up reasoning (I made the dog "alert" so STEP AWAY FROM THE CAR!!!), property is deliberately damaged by armed agents, and his Constitutional rights are mocked by the very people SWORN TO UPHOLD THEM. And other cops refer to the citizen as a "POS". They hate it when citizens know more about the law than they do, huh? Ronald Tilghman --- do you still have a Gestapo uniform or did you trade it in for a Luger or a Swastika flag?

  23. Just think, one of these guy's FOP brothers shot a litter of kittens in front of a group of children..., and will probably not be charged nor reprimanded either. Pardon me while I throw-up.

  24. This young kid watched a video online and decided to try it himself.

    He made two mistakes that I can remember. One, he is required to show his drivers license upon demand when driving a motor vehicle.

    Two, if he was really going to assert his rights, he should not have pulled over for the secondary inspection.

    He really needs to brush up on the law and his rights and responsibilities before he tries this again.

  25. I don't think I heard a request for a license...so he really didn't need to show it.

  26. 8:55 AM

    LISTEN to it again. he was asked for an id.

  27. I agree with Tilghman..act like an ass, get treated like the ass you are behaving like

    You get back what you put out

  28. These camera bugs need to go to a country that has zero freedom and stay there permanently.A few years in a foreign prison would bring them back to their senses.That's only if they survived the traffic stop,during which they would most likely have been shot by the PO or relentlessly clubbed.I want to see the same people go to say Turkey and try that stunt.

  29. 10:31 AM

    Wrong thinking. It doesn't matter what happens in other countries, unless you want this country to become like them.

    This video has since gone viral and the agency is reviewing it to see what, if any, policy changes are needed.

    Both parties could have handled this better, the cop more so.

    I think it's great people are finally starting to stand up to these bullies. Maybe then the ones who ought not be cops are weeded out.

  30. It's not a "stunt" when you exercise your constitutional rights and expect the police to follow their own rules 10:31. Sheeple

  31. "Perfectly innocent and knows his rights."


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