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Sunday, June 09, 2013

"Way to go Dad!" OR "Too much Dad!"


  1. Way to go! He'll think twice (or even 3 times) before lying to him again ....

  2. A good Dad, nothing wrong with good discipline ....

  3. I would have made a better sign for her to hold.....

  4. He should be father of the year. This man is what a TRUE father does to raise good kids.

  5. Looks like he may have gotten a good a$$ kickin' too, Yea Dad!

  6. I would have made the kid write the sign and stand and Hold It.

  7. Kudo's sir. You are setting a fine example of what parents can do, and should do, to correct bad behavior in their offspring.

    Maybe those parents that clashed over some punch in Cleveland need your guidance as well.

  8. That's a way to go and a good a$$ whooping is in order. Guess what you liberal idiots my dad whooped me growing up when I needed it and I am an accomplished citizen today.

  9. a$$ whopping as you refer to it requires nothing but a temper and poor judgment and teaches violence in the end. Holding the sign shows a different manner in which to drive home a valid point without resorting to physical violence. It takes more effort to be a good parent. And for those who claim they were "wooped" as a kid and it didn't hurt them...how much further could you have gone in life if it had not been done to you? We will never know. Someones full potential is not realized through violent methods.

  10. I love it. When we were younger my sister and I got caught smoking my mom's cigarettes. She wrote a speech and we had to walk to every house, knock on the door and read what we had done. Our last stop was our grandparents. We both were crying. We never stole her cigarettes again. So I applaud this Dad and hope his child learned a lesson from it.

  11. Anonymous said...
    a$$ whopping as you refer to it requires nothing but a temper and poor judgment and teaches violence in the end. Holding the sign shows a different manner in which to drive home a valid point without resorting to physical violence. It takes more effort to be a good parent. And for those who claim they were "wooped" as a kid and it didn't hurt them...how much further could you have gone in life if it had not been done to you? We will never know. Someones full potential is not realized through violent methods.

    June 2, 2013 at 12:59 PM

    You are a liberal idiot. A whooping does not require a temper and I have never been a violent person in my life. When did you become and expert? You are a soft hearted liberal idiot. If you researched the backgrounds of all violent criminal incarcerated you will find that the majority of them have never had a father in their lives to punish them with a whooping. Go spew that wimpy talk to your homosexual mayor friend.

  12. 12:59, you have every right to your opinion. I have every right to mine. "spare the rod; spoil the child". yes; this is not to be done in anger, but in love, as God is love, but if needed it is to be done. again; My opinion and i'll take God's instruction before yours any day of the week.
    as for this father; congrats to him. great job here. I pray this child will never forget this lesson. he will need it for the rest of his life.

  13. Gotta love that guy

  14. Spare the rod and spoil the child. If you Flippin liberals can't understand that, do everyone, including yourselves, a favor and do NOT have offspring.

    We have enough uncontrollable idiots out here that whine about everything and thinks the world owes them a 100,000 dollar salary just for existing.

    What this dad did was good and hopefully effective. If not, bounce her off a wall or two until she understands one does not do certain things without consequence.

    Yes, I know I said something extreme, but sometimes one has to be extreme to get through thick heads and into their little brains.

  15. LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Need more parents to do this and I guess he is being a DAD and a responsible parent - instead of being his childs friend!!!!!

  16. Shaming does not change behavior

  17. Anonymous said...
    Shaming does not change behavior

    June 2, 2013 at 4:52 PM

    Are you sure, or it just didn't change yours?

  18. Anon 2:12 - What does being a Homosexual have to do with it? Homophobic much? And you called someone else an idiot.

  19. Looks like Daddy's little girl could be learning a lesson in honor and respect. These lessons will do her proud one of these days. Way to go Daddy!!

  20. 4:52 Neither does ignoring behavior issues, which seems to be the popular choice in "the 'bury". I mean, why worry what your kid is doing when you have to polish off that bottle of wine, right? Parents and law enforcement have enabled the kids around here enough. And I'm not talking about inner city, etc. Talking about those suburban kids who get out of theft, asault, drinking etc because of their last name... the name their grandparents made, their parents coasted by on, and now their kids prefer to tarnish.

  21. Spare the rod spoil the child is not a verse in the bible. Also, shepherds did not beat their sheep with their rods...they guided them.

  22. 12:31
    Would you care to explain Proverbs 13:24 for us then?

  23. 12:52 You should look up proverbs 13:24 and see what it says. You can't put bible verses into your own words.

  24. 2:00
    If that is the case why are there so many different versions of the bible and which one is the correct one to follow?

  25. The rod is symbolic for instructional (words) discipline stemming from love not a physical stick used in anger. Christ set the example

  26. When my son was much younger, he stole a packet of stickers at the Hallmark in the mall near Christmas time. When I noticed them in his pocket before we left, he had to return to the store and give them back but also had to go to Santa Claus at the mall and explain what he had done. He was so ashamed, he never stole again.

  27. I'd do the reverse as a father, lie to son for a week and let him see how it feels and what it is like. Then share that story "Peter and the Wolf", here is a lesson ,one day no one will believe you.


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