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Friday, June 21, 2013

Walter Reed Plans To Furlough Thousands; Soldier Advocacy Groups Worry About Care Despite Assurances

Thousands of civilian workers at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center -- the country’s top facility for wounded combat soldiers -- are facing furloughs this summer, as a result of sequester and other federal budget problems, according to the Defense Department.

Roughly 2,400 workers at the suburban Washington facility were recently notified by letter that the department needs them to take off as many as 11 days without pay this summer to help with “extraordinary and serious budgets challenges.”

The furloughs target a wide scope of non-combat facilities and civilian workers to “provide the war-fighters with what they need to protect national security,” states the May 28 letter, first obtained by Federal News Radio.


A viewer writes:

This is what will happen at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in D.C. while Obama and family are on their $60 million to $100 million vacation in Africa.


  1. I thought they were shifting everything over to Bethesda Naval anyway?

  2. funny how official state travel for talks with foreign heads of state is suddenly a "vacation"

  3. What in the world???
    Obama can waste ,one, but he can't help our brave soldiers. He is beyond shameful.

  4. " Anonymous said...
    funny how official state travel for talks with foreign heads of state is suddenly a "vacation"

    funny how official state travel for talks with foreign heads of state takes your whole family to be in tow.

    Stop making excuses! That may work in your circles of low information voters but around here people aren't living under rocks.

  5. Muchelle stayed in a $3500 per night room and also rented 30 additiona rooms for her party while in England. Was that absolutely necessary. These people are taking advantage of their positions while they can. No class just trash.

  6. Totally disgusting!!!! He must have spent more on needless trips then any President before him.

  7. This is par for course with these ghetto types. No matter how much you dress them up you still can't take them out. Spending other people's money is one of the things they excel at.


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