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Monday, June 10, 2013

Thousands Of Area Homeowners To Receive Mortgage Settlement

Thousands of people across the Washington area and across the country who lost their homes to foreclosure are about to get checks in the mail.

Checks for about $1,480 each will be sent starting Monday to people who lost their homes while the nation's largest lenders were "robo-signing" documents.

It's part of a government settlement reached last year with Ally Financial, Bank of America, Citigroup, J.P Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo.

The Maryland Attorney General's Office says the checks will be sent out between June 10 and June 17 to 10,470 people in the state who met the deadline to submit a valid claim form.



  1. And these uninformed former homeowners will be thrilled with this pittance the government saw to it was thrown at them. In the meantime the banking and lender executives got millions handed over to them by the government. But that's okay. If these people are fine with being used to line the already mega rich's pockets then it's fine with me also.

  2. No one got their house back, did they?

  3. The people really are dumb. During Obama's community organizing days he was instrumental in getting people into these crazy mortgages which they couldn't afford by anyone's stretch of the imagination. Now the fools will be happy as crap all jazzed up over a measly $1500.00 while the bankers got millions in bonus' on top of their mega million dollar a year salaries.
    It's actually kinda funny how stupid people really are.

  4. !207, you can call them stupid if you want, but I lost my job along with millions of others in 2008-2009. Luckily, I have been able to find enough contract and freelance work to keep my mortgage payment up and avoid foreclosure... so far. I take offense at your calling me stupid, as I run 2 businesses. I hope your high horse breaks a leg and you have to shoot him.

  5. Reread the comment 1:16. I don't see it in anyway- shape or form- fitting your situation. Seems to me it refers to those who should never have been approved for a home loan to begin with, but only were due to the democrats insisting the lenders relax their requirements otherwise they wouldn't be able to "sell" the loans to Fannie and Freddie.

  6. good they can pitch their money together and buy a pop up camper down by the creek.bankers should be hung.


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