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Saturday, June 08, 2013

The Terrible Future Of The Syrian War

The last war America fought openly through proxy was the Vietnam War. The idea was not necessarily “new”; General Smedley Butler’s exposé on his career as a conqueror-for-hire, titled War is a Racket, uncovered a long history of bloodshed by U.S. government and corporate interests in third world countries designed to destroy sovereign nations and plunder their resources. This was done through the use of mercenaries for hire, military men acting covertly or guerrilla forces with a pre-existing agenda supplied through back channels.

After our defeat in Vietnam, our government set forth on a program of private warfare. The "School of the Americas" was formed, also known as the School of Assassins, in Fort Benning, Georgia. The combat academy churned out some of the most unstable monsters in third world politics. The U.S. trained and conditioned agents for violent social change and military overthrow, who were then implanted around the world (mostly in Central and South America). These agents then initiated war fever in the name of cementing U.S. interests around the globe. Their horrifying methods were seen as a means to an end.

The sad and disturbing reality is that most wars fought by our country over the course of the past century have not been fought on principle. Instead, they have been fought for profit and for the consolidation of power and oligarchy.

Vietnam was a break in the tradition of secret puppet conflicts, sending the U.S. into the realm of openly admitted proxy. The establishment wanted the American people to know that we were supplying funding and weapons to the South Vietnamese nationalists, meddling in a civil war which had absolutely no bearing on U.S. international relations or domestic policy. The rationalization then was that America had to stop the spread of communism. Ironically, the communists of North Vietnam were a minimal threat compared to the elitist communists within our own borders sitting in positions of political power



  1. Communications enabled this to come about.Before radio an TV,wars,civil wars and all sorts of atrocities took place all over the world without our knowledge.We would be just as well off today if we didn't know about what happens elsewhere.That is of course if nuclear weapons are not involved.Nukes get everyone involved whether they wish to be or not.

  2. Who the hell says it's America's job to fight every new foreign conflict, that will continue, until the end of time? Who the hell says that our men and women should leave the safety of their country, their homes and their families and go risk their lives, fighting "who knows?" for a bunch of ingrate foreigners that despise us? Who decides this crap? Big business? Big money? Big war machine making politicians/money mongers even more money then they can steal? Send their over stuffed users, or their wealthy family members, because we've had enough, we're sick and tired of fighting other countries wars, for some "Unknown, Non Existent, Unnamed, Non Entity", for NO apparent sensible reason. How about you war mongers just f*** the hell off, we're sick to death over our loses of American lives, especially to a thankless group of crummy foreign ***holes. In the end, all of it changes absolutely nothing!...not for the better, and the end result is, we, Americans, lose big. Enough is enough, go get muslims to do your/their fighting. Our worthless government needs a complete change from top to bottom. Start fresh with NO self-serving LAWYERS ever allowed in politics. Traitors and other greedy criminals should be exterminated, on the spot, just as soon as they're found guilty. A clean sweep for a return to a moral America, a free country inhabited by like minded real Americans, not foreigners!


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