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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Immoral Consequences Of Amnesty

An aide to Rubio shrugged off the possibility of millions of American workers being displaced by amnestied foreign ones. "There are American workers who, for lack of a better term, can't cut it," he said.

So the Rubio plan for these Americans is just to put them on the dole, then? If they can't cut it working, they'll need money from somewhere, and as American citizens, they still have the right to vote themselves wages for not working, right?

So many Libertarian "solutions" to problems rely on this First Assumption: "First, assume that we do not have a social welfare state, so that our policies will not increase the costs of maintaining that welfare state."

But we do have that welfare state, and it's not going anywhere, particularly when millions of Americans, formerly able to hold good-paying jobs, are now economically threatened by imported foreign workers and now can look only to the dole for their daily bread.


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