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Friday, June 28, 2013

The Death Of Daniel Somers

I am reading the heartbreaking suicide note of Daniel Somers, a US combat veteran who spent several years fighting in Iraq. Mr. Somers was only 30 years old when he took his own life, after being tormented by the horrific memories of what he experienced in Iraq. He wrote:
“The simple truth is this: During my first deployment, I was made to participate in things, the enormity of which is hard to describe. War crimes, crimes against humanity. Though I did not participate willingly, and made what I thought was my best effort to stop these events, there are some things that a person simply can not come back from.”

Many who shout the loudest that we must “support the troops” urge sending them off to unwinnable and undeclared wars in which there is no legitimate US interest. The US military has been abused by those who see military force as a first resort rather than the last resort and only in self-defense. This abuse has resulted in a generation of American veterans facing a life sentence in the prison of tortured and deeply damaged minds as well as broken bodies.

The numbers sadly tell the story: more military suicides than combat deaths in 2012, some 22 military veterans take their lives every day, nearly 30 percent of veterans treated by the VA have PTSD.



  1. Well if was easy everybody would do it.

  2. anonymous 10:33, Go To Hell.

    America shouldn't expect to be respected by other countries because we have more fire power.

    America should be respected because we have the wisdom to make lives better around the World. You do so by example.

    Abortions, Gay Marriage, out of control spending and leadership. These are just some of the examples, (your welcome to add to it) of which we are failing the rest of the World, let alone our very own right here at home.

    In the mean time, we have our very own children taking their own lives, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, fathers, mothers, when does it end? And what are we to gain from these ridiculous wars?

    America is becoming the most corrupt country in the World. Heck, A RAIN TAX, REALLY? A select few are becoming billionaires while the majority are on food stamps, welfare, affordable housing, homeless and flat out poor.

    Democrats AND Republicans should all come together and stop these wars immediately. The United States should look into the future, regroup and realize we are doomed if we stay on this same path.

    Someone will eventually come to America and take us over. Keep it up and watch what eventually happens.

    God Bless our men and women serving our Armed Forces. This 4th of July we have to wonder, should we really be celebrating OR should we put our foot down and say, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I'm sure many Veterans will agree.

    Bring Our Soldiers Home! CREATE JOBS! Heck, our very own Veterans can't even find work, let alone every one else.

    I'll be proud to be an American when our President fulfills his promise to bring every one home. When our government abolishes welfare and food stamps because we've created a country that delivers quality manufacturing once again. When Americans aren't forced to buy overseas products because they're cheaper and break in a short period so you have to buy it again and again.



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