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Friday, June 21, 2013


ANNAPOLIS, MD (June 21, 2013) – Governor Martin O’Malley today released the following statement on the U.S. Department of Labor’s release of preliminary employment data for the month of May:

“Last month, 4,600 new jobs were created in Maryland. As a state, we have now recovered over 95 percent of the jobs lost during the Bush recession - another step toward our goal to recover every job we’ve lost during the downturn by the end of 2014.

“In Maryland, we continue to target our skills and investment pipeline to bolster the life sciences, biotech, cyber security, space and aerospace, global trade, and advanced manufacturing because we know that to move forward in our jobs recovery, we must make the better choices to grow our Innovation Economy. Though this jobs report is promising, there are still too many moms and dads out of work. That’s why together, we must continue to give our highly-skilled and educated workforce the tools they need to compete and expand the ranks of our diverse and upwardly-mobile middle class.”


  1. he is clueless. I dont think jobs at $8/hr can replace a $20/hr job. this infuriates me.

  2. That's what he said last month...to the letter! I guess he reads that same drivel to us every month... then the "Jobs Report" comes out, and we find we lost more than we gained. But, let's not let facts get in the way!

  3. The Bush recession?
    The recession led by Democrat controlled House and Senate?

  4. The jobs were not created. They are seasonal jobs at the beach and in campgrounds. He is just another lying Democrat.

  5. Obama Crooked MotorsJune 21, 2013 at 12:04 PM

    Marty "Rain-Tax-Man" OweMalley "neglected" to mention the jobs being lost. When you loose more than creating, it means you have not gained anything. Clueles! Like someone said - let's not get FACTS in the way. What, did I hear Bush's name again? I see, OweMalley is campaigning for El Presidente, now I understand.

  6. Hey OweMalley, care to debate Larry Hogan about what you are bloviating? Oh look, there's another one of your New Americans getting hired as an aerospace engineer.

  7. 11:43 you are on the money. Democrats took over in 2006 and were screaming bloody murder because gasoline was $1.84. I paid $3.45 today. Where is Obama's big mouth now.

  8. He is just like Obama. He has lied so much it becomes natural.

  9. 12:04 - You have hit the nail on the head. America's workforce is now substantially smaller than what it was pre-2008.

    I agree with you assessment on O'Malley - he misrepresented the facts and is blowing smoke up Maryland taxpayers ----sss.


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