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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Should Journalists Who Talk To Leakers Be Worried?

There’s been a lot of discussion about how Edward Snowden should be prosecuted. But there’s another question: What should happen to journalists who published the information Snowden leaked, among themGuardian columnist Glenn Greenwald and filmmaker Laura Poitras?

Last month, The Washington Post reported that the government had searched Fox News reporter James Rosen’s personal emails and obtained his phone records, as well as the records of other Fox employees, while investigating a leak. In a 2010affidavit requesting permission to do so, the FBI claimed Rosen was “at the very least” an “aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator” with a government advisor, Stephen Jin-Woo Kim. Later that year, Kim was indicted under the Espionage Act for telling Rosen that the intelligence community thought North Korea would respond to U.N. sanctions with more nuclear tests — information Rosen used in an article.



  1. With Obama in power, YES.

  2. With anyone in power, yes.

  3. Freedom of the press? One of the FIRST things to go in the march toward socialism and dictatorship. Control what the people read, hear, know, and you are on your way. See how it works in China? North Korea? Russia (where they don't censor news, the government just KILLS reporters they don't like)? They (OUR government) knew exactly the "ripple effect" of this, which would be to scare the bejeezus out of any person thinking about leaking info the Amercian people should know. Keep cheering and try to grab something to slow your slide down the slippery slope that you think is a carnival ride operated by angels of mercy and good. Now, even Fox News is trying to paint a man who told us that the NSA (not authorized to do it, either, by LAW) has been watching, listening, and recording EVERY call, text, e-mail, Facebook entry, every photograph they can retrieve, and who knows what else --- of ALL American (innocent of any crime) citizens, is a "traitor". A treasonous snake. Talk about media manipulation! And citizens are gobbling that slop up! A citizen who sees the government shredding the Constitutional Amendments 1-6 and SAYS something about it (oh no!!) is now a TRAITOR"?!? He's a damn HERO. When people in power violate the law (the NSA is prohibited by law from using their resources and technology in the USA against U.S citizens - keep THAT in mind, please), they don't like it when it gets a little sunlight. Revolution is the ONLY resort "we, the people" have left, and if you haven't noticed, time is running short for that option, too.


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