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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rand Paul: Benghazi Will Haunt Hillary In 2016, Could 'Preclude' Her From Presidency

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), a likely 2016 Republican presidential candidate, said that unanswered questions surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack in Benghazi would haunt former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if she decides to run for president from the Democratic Party in 2016.

“The thing is, is ultimately if she’s considering running for any kind of office in this country again, I think that she’s going to have to answer the questions about what did she know about the gun-running, what was her involvement with Benghazi, why didn’t she provide adequate security for the ambassador or for the mission in Benghazi?” Paul said in a phone interview with Breitbart News.



  1. Don't bet on it.

  2. Hillary is just another dumbocrat hack.
    Anyone who would follow the orders from the dnc and vote this hack in deserves what they get.

  3. 5:53 is correct-don't bet on it. If there is another election, half of this country is still stupid enough to vote for another commie. Add the cheating into the equation and she's a shoe-in. However, I don't think this country (as we know it) can last another three and a half years under the rulers (potus, scotus and congress) we have now. There will be no more elections in this once great country we call America. We have been destroyed and it was an inside job.

  4. All the GOP has to do is rerun that commercial of hers about the 3:00am phone call.

    She didn't answer it. Bottom line - finished.

    I cannot imagine that even liberals don't want national security protection.

  5. I agree, at least half the country are dumbed down socialists that listen to the MSM for their latest propaganda and have no idea what is really going on and even worse don't care as long as their getting their government largess. This country is ready for a revolution. The current government will initiate a false flag event to prevent that. Get ready.

  6. Hillary did not do squat as secretary of state except lie about Benghazi, I guess that qualifies her as the top Democratic presidential nominee. Maybe she can be as useless and evil as Obama.

  7. You Eastern Shore rednecks are in for a lots of frustration and election losses for many years to come. Keep your heads in that sand under your feet; the country has progressed and you and people that think like you are left behind to suffer as a result of your own ignorance.

  8. Ditto 9:04 - sad but true

  9. We must keep the pressure on and keep her out of the white house.


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