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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Paula Deen Fans Strike Back: Supporters Vent Outrage At Food Network For Dumping Star

SAVANNAH, Ga. — Watching Paula Deen’s cooking show was a weekend ritual for Marilynne Wilson, who says she’s furious at the Food Network for dumping the comfort-food queen after she acknowledged using racial slurs in the past.

“I was shocked. I thought she’d get a fair trial,” Wilson, a nurse from Jacksonville, Fla., said Saturday after stopping to buy souvenirs at the gift shop Deen owns next to her Savannah restaurant. “I think the Food Network jumped the gun.”

A day after announcing that it’s dropping Deen from its roster of celebrity cooks, the cable network was served heaping portions of Southern fried outrage by her fans. 



  1. You can look at it like this , she would tell you like it is .
    An ace is an ace.
    I set on my front deck and listen to blacks use the so called "N" word every day. What's the big deal? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

    1. thats what caused her her job.

  2. Here is a lady who admitted to using the N word - she is so straight and honest it never occurred to her to lie.

    How many citizens (including the President and Congressional people) could honestly say they had never used the N word.

    I see that the head of the Philly Black Panthers, who has a "Kill Whitey" tattoo on his face, was arrested in NYC for carrying a gun.
    Had it been vice versa old Whitey would now be on death row for threatening murder.

  3. 10:18 u must live near my neighborhood!

  4. Maybe they should ban Wrap music they use the N word in every sentence she is being targeted because she is white.

  5. shame on the Food Network for not supporting someone who has put so much $ in their pockets and helping make that network what it is for so long. We can't over look this but we can overlook Michael Vick for killing dogs, Tiger Woods for being a creep and worse, Britney Spears for more court trials than Perry Mason, Charlie Sheen for being a looser of a celebrity. Maybe Deen needs the same attorneys, she made a mistake get over it, she didn't try to hide it or lie.

  6. Her first mistake was apologizing profusely.When I apologize I only do it one time and they can take it or leave it.

  7. I have used the N' word too, when I was a lot younger. Learned it from a black friend, along with a lot of other not-so-acceptable words. No big deal.

  8. She did what she felt was right !

  9. I don't care about the language she uses.

    What bothers me is that she was planning an "authentic" plantation-style dinner, with Civil War era food, period-attire and, you guessed it, servants that were supposed to be black. How does the Food Network explain that one?

  10. 9:33- are you aware that the Northern States used children as slave labor ? So sick of the complete and utter denegraton of all things Southern--while the North is revered as the "right and noble" ones. Many New Englanders and Northerners also had 2 or 3 black slaves for their households. I for one am a PROUD descendant of Civil War generals and am fed up with the constant bashing of the South.

  11. Anonymous said...
    I don't care about the language she uses.

    What bothers me is that she was planning an "authentic" plantation-style dinner, with Civil War era food, period-attire and, you guessed it, servants that were supposed to be black. How does the Food Network explain that one?

    June 23, 2013 at 9:33 PM

    Seriously?? What is wrong with that? You people are so uneducated and know absolutely nothing about American history.

  12. And she voted for Obama, TWICE!! Karma

  13. well she can use it all she wants now...she is one reason why america is obease.butter, butter, and more butter..

  14. Paula Deen cooked her goose when she revealed that her guest on the show, Michelle Obama, ate more than any other guest ever had off camera. Michelle Obama was livid, and now Paula Deen is seeing Chicago Politics first hand.

  15. 1002 now that's interesting. Can you give me a hint what to use for a search? Michele Obama on Paula Deen show?

  16. 12:56
    It interested me too so I went searching. Try a search using this "Paula Deen: Michelle Obama likes fried food too" the story I found was from the national examiner I think.

  17. Many sites carried the story--The DailyMail is one. Michelle ate more food than any guest I have had on the show-those words are coming back to "fry" Paula. NOBODY says anything like that about the Queen.

  18. >>>And she voted for Obama, TWICE!! Karma<<< I can't find any verification of this. If true, then she deserves everything she gets. I rate elitist liberals right up there with dog ticks.


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