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Sunday, June 02, 2013

O’Malley Touts ‘Better Results’ In Maryland In Speech To National Think Tank

Gov. Martin O’Malley (D), who is weighing a White House bid in 2016, on Thursday held up Maryland as a model of a progressive state that has adopted policies beneficial to the middle class.

Speaking at a Washington think tank, the two-term governor touted accolades his state has received for its education system, its nation-leading median income, its investments in science and research and its number of women-owned businesses.

“These are the better results that have flowed from the better choices we have made together as a people,” O’Malley said during a speech sponsored by the Center For American Progress Action Fund that was attended by several national journalists. 



  1. lol.. This guy has no shame.

  2. Better for communism maybe.

  3. MD must have legalized pot for politicians!

  4. What a dip-ship. He is helping the middle class by taxing the hell out of em.

  5. Politicans always using think tanks and blue ribbon panels.Why dont they use common sense and stop trying to keep special interests and elitists happy and get to work by making Maryland business friendly.

  6. 5-31-13
    Remember, He was elected by a mandate of Democratic Idiots. I sent him an E-mail on his website at the capitol and told him just how BIG an ASS he really is and he replied 'Thank You For Your input'! This just proves ANYONE can be elected in Maryland!
    Bob Aswell

  7. He is a wannbe...he is a no-nothing governor and a shameless liar. The only thing he has done is tax the citizens of MD to death.
    The job figures he touts are complete lies and the only people making the bucks are the politicans, and his friends.

  8. This guy is a complete A$$ and a flaming idiot. The state of Maryland has been ruined by this nut job. He is just like most of those nuts in Washington and he does not have a clue!

  9. Come on... this has to be an article from the onion.com! Right? Right? Wait, you mean it's real?

    Thanks for the good laugh anyway!

  10. OweMalley the communist failure.

  11. I'm starting to think Parris Glendenning was a nice guy!

  12. I hate saying this but otaxie makes mandel look good!
    I don't whose picture I hate seeing more, obama, otaxie, or day's in uniform. All three of them make me want to vomit chunks!

  13. Agreeing with 8:53 Posting

    You hit that nail square on the head. Maryland has turned Socialist. I've seen the business list of businesses that have moved out of Maryland and when any of the major networks get hold of it - they will make mince meat out of O'Malley's claims of an improved economy. Just look at Baltimore for example - they will be bankrupt in less than 10 years.

  14. Think about tanking the economy and everything wholesome. It's all about cronyism. His brother in law has the contract for highway work near the queen Anne's outlets and on 50 installing guard rails


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