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Friday, June 21, 2013

Maryland Schools Prepare For Common Core

Maryland public schools plan to move ahead with a new curriculum next school year, undeterred by opposition to the Common Core curriculum standards in other states.

Forty-five states and the District of Columbia have adopted the standards, but some states are reconsidering or slowing implementation due to opposition. Much of that opposition comes from conservative and Tea Party groups concerned about the federal government taking over the education system.

Yet it was the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers — not the federal Department of Education — that coordinated the creation of the new state standards.

In Maryland, the new curriculum is moving forward with little controversy. It was adopted in 2010 by the state and is being rolled out over a three-year period.



  1. Just what we need.. Everything the government touches turns to crap!
    Lets dummy the kids down a little more..

  2. more indoctrination, has anyone even bothered to look into what the teachings of this is.... wake up peeps.

  3. yep. they want to dumb the kids down.....

  4. Get Out of Government Schools Now. Your Children Deserve Truth Not Deception. They Deserve Better and it's Up to You.

  5. Common core is hudt a way to inxoctrinate and brainwash your kiids just like Russia did.


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