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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lawmaker Launches "Stop The Rain Tax"

The so called "rain tax" takes effect on Monday, and a Republican lawmaker is forming a group that will attempt to stop it.

Taking a cue from owners of computer service businesses who repealed a sales tax extension five years ago, Baltimore County Republican Pat McDonough, has formed a group called Stop the Rain Tax to convince lawmakers to repeal the tax or scale it back.

He says his group is recruiting Democratic and Republican homeowners and business owners to convince lawmakers to make changes to the legislation that mandated the fee.



  1. Businesses already have mandated storm water control in place. Hasn't O'Taxi ever seen a storm water retention pond? Does he think they overflow when it rains? He must never go out when it's raining, or he would see how they work. It is also explained in current law books, but why read those when you can convince your fellow crooks there's a new way to steal money from the masses?

  2. Welcome to Maryland

    What's in your Wallet

  3. It won't happen. O'Malley has that money spent already. That's how Democrats operate. They can't control their borrowing and spending.

  4. it's about time someone, anyone, any group stand up to this madman and his looney partners in crime.

  5. Dont piss on me and tell me its raining...

  6. Again it must start on the local level with Cane, Matias, and Conway. Replace them with Republicans who know how to control spending.

  7. You all are WRONG. Vote them all out and start with some young working class people who knows the pain of working 40+ hours a week and being broke on Friday because of all of the fee's / taxes and then watch things change.

  8. MOM is out of control. Mack,L.O.L.
    You have just coined MD's new motto. I will use it, thanks (hope I have permission).

  9. 12:24..use it a lot and spread the love...as the truth hurts some people and if the hurt don't the pain in their wallet will..LOL..

  10. Until there is outrage,lawmakers will do nothing but laugh as they party.Jam the phones and emails at their offices with your outrage!

  11. On my way to work yesterday Fritzwater street had 7 to eight inches of standing water. On the way home the water had receded only to leave the smell of an overflowed toilet.


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