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Monday, June 03, 2013


'Would blow them out of the water if this became public knowledge'
Amid an unusual spotlight on IRS conduct, a Colorado businessman contends his case is one the government particularly wants to keep hidden, because it could cause the whole federal agency to self-destruct.

Jeff Maehr, a Colorado chiropractor who has engaged in a number of business ventures, including PureHealthSystems.com, admits he has refused to file federal income tax returns since 2002, but he says the IRS is afraid to press criminal charges against him.



  1. see this is why I get on here an call all of you dumb asses...

    Because if you took the time to get knowledge you would know there is NO LAWS that say you HAVE TO PAY TAXES ON INCOME let alone TAXES ON LABOR...

    but you all are to scared or whatever to stand up to the fake laws you THINK ARE REAL AND LEGIT...

    If you were not to file taxes and the IRS came after you, your WHOLE DEFENSE WOULD ONLY CONSISTS of saying, SHOW ME WHERE IT SAYS I HAVE TO PAY INCOME TAXES OR TAXES ON LABOR and I will gladly pay...

    THEY WILL either make something up, change the subject or as usual, make IT SOUND AS IF IT IS LAW, but there is no laws so they can not find it or show you it...

    ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS KEEP UP with the court verdicts on people and you will see some courts who are not persuaded by govt will favor for the people and wham-o everyone can or could do it...

  2. There was a chiropractor in Salisbury not long ago that was saying this same thing and he didn't file returns with the IRS either. I don't know if he moved to Colorado or not but this sounds very familiar. More power to him for standing up for what he believes. Hope that he is right and the IRS has to admit it. We need tax reform but I know the Obama administration is incapable of that task. They would screw it up even worse.

  3. 1:11 Shepard Pratt called. They want you back.

  4. Alex, shouldn't you be waiting by the mailbox for your Guvment check?
    Better go now, you may miss it.

  5. Getting some hunting ammo at Walmart , They have some now.
    Just thought some might want to know.

  6. 1:11 do u file taxes???? Or r u waiting for your government check?


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