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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Great Tee Shirts


  1. Romney lost because he called 47% of the country parasites. Whether he was correct or not is irrelevant - that's a pretty poor strategy when you're trying to get elected President.

  2. You're right 10:45. It's probably closer to 60%

  3. Anonymous said...
    You're right 10:45. It's probably closer to 60%

    May 30, 2013 at 11:06 AM

    And of course you are in the remaining 40%, correct?

  4. 11:45 from one who is in the 40% if that is what it is, this country needs to hear the hard truth, we need to wake up because no matter what the msm is saying it is not going well in this country

  5. Things are going pretty well for me.

  6. Jim ran on the top one and it worked.It didn't work for us but it did for him until the tar and feathers come out.

  7. romney aint the solutionMay 30, 2013 at 4:18 PM

    Romney sucks too - he was full of rhetorical b.s. and put on a great show - he should consider going to hollywoon and becoming an actor.

  8. I don't agree with the path we, as a nation, are taking. But, Romney would have been equal to or worse than what we currently have.

    We, as a people, are the losers with the old tired cattle both sides wheel out for us to vote on. 90% of Americans vote what their election card tells them to. Maybe 1-2% are actually informed, and the other 8-9% vote on social lines they read on twitter and facebook.

    Collapse is imminent.

  9. >>>Romney lost because he called 47% of the country parasites<<<

    Interesting - a politician finally tells the truth and see how the electorate reacts.

  10. If the likes of John McCain and Mitt Romney is the best the GOP has to offer as president then it's well past time we find another party to represent us.

  11. That's why I voted for Gary Johnson, 7 05. I'm 59, and have voted for the "Lesser of 2 evils" in every election since I was 18. See where that got us? It's time America voted "NO" on the Big 2 Parties and voted for someone who deserves the job.


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