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Saturday, June 01, 2013

Gas Prices Expected To Drop During Summer Months

Officials from AAA Mid-Atlantic say gas prices dropped this week during the Memorial Holiday. They believe gas prices will also continue to fall throughout the upcoming summer months.

AAA Mid-Atlantic officials say this week marked the second consecutive year that the average American driver had to paid less per gallon at the pump when filling up for their Memorial Day holiday travel.

On the previous two Memorial Days, the national average was $3.64 per gallon (May 28, 2012) and $3.79 (May 30, 2011). 



  1. When bush was in office it was $1.68......Obama is looking to make it $7.00

  2. It will go up in Maryland in July when the O'Malley gas tax is added.

  3. not here in md. they'll be up in july when new tax effects


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