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Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Forgotten Scandal: Gibson Guitars Still Being Persecuted for Doing No Wrong

Almost two years after Gibson Guitars was raided for violating an obscure law, Representative Marsha Blackburn (R–TN) is demanding a full explanation:
The recent scandals surrounding this administration raise a number of questions about who they choose to target and why. The arrogance and lack of transparency displayed by this President and his cabinet officials in events such as the raids on Gibson Guitar and the IRS targeting of conservative groups show a complete disregard for the rule of law.
In 2011, Gibson’s Tennessee factories were raided for allegedly violating the Lacey Act, a federal statute that makes it a crime to import tropical hardwoods in violation of foreign law.


  1. Full on military assault with a platoon of soldiers.
    Where are all the musicians to protest this tyranny?

  2. 325-You seen how much a new Gibson will cost you these days? The only people playing those are yuppies, musicians that've made it, and millionaires. Not exactly the protesting types.

  3. Agreed 4:14. But it is still ridiculously over the top big Government intimidation and fear. Put yourself in the place of the 50 some soldiers for hire that performed the takedown of an unarmed legitimate business full of talented employees working and paying taxes. I bet the special forces swatters feel like they really put their lives on the line to raid this obviously dangerous guitar factory. They are officers and leaders that need to be relieved of duty.
    The tyranny, betrayal and lies of the Obama regime must be stopped.
    Enough is enough.


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