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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Democratic Lawmaker Hits Justice As ‘Uncle Thomas’

A Democratic lawmaker from Minnesota criticized Tuesday’s Supreme Court decision on the Voting Rights Act by calling Justice Clarence Thomas “Uncle Thomas,” then saying he didn’t know “Uncle Tom” was a racist epithet.

On his Twitter account Tuesday, state Rep. Ryan Winkler called the justices’ 5-4 ruling striking down a part of the law racist, and the work of “four accomplices to race discrimination and one Uncle Thomas.” Justice Thomas, who is black, was one of the five justices in the majority.

That tweet was quickly deleted, and Mr. Winkler, who is white and represents some upper middle class suburbs west-southwest of Minneapolis, offered a conditional-tense quasi-apology in subsequent tweets. 


  1. Wow! Talk about RACIST.

  2. Sounds just as silly as those screaming "Obama is a muslim". No matter which side you are on, if you can't debate the issue based on the facts instead of personal attacks, please sit down.

  3. Thomas votes what ever way Scalia tells him to.

  4. 8:24-Do yourself a favor and educate yourself on the history of Clarence Thomas. Thomas was born into abject poverty and worked feverishly to become a brilliant lawmaker. NO AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REQUIRED.Nothing handed to him like Obama. And you denigrate a success story like his by suggesting he takes his orders from Scalia. You are the racist.

  5. dittos 9:58. I love comments from people who are well informed and do their homework...not from sissys who live on emotion and ignorance.

  6. Unless he's gay he has to be someones uncle,and even if he is gay he's probably someones uncle.

  7. There's no way he didn't know "Uncle Thomas" was a slur. It's been used in one form or another towards every prominent black who has dared to think differently than what the "well meaning" liberals believe they should think.

  8. But the dems cannonized Sen. Robert Byrd.Shows you where there heart is.

  9. Um, excuse me, but isn't Paula Deen running for her life because she made some racial slurs? But this ignorant prique, state Rep. Ryan Winkler, can say this kind of crap and there are no repercussions. Of course, Winkler is a democrat and Thomas is a conservative, so there are different standards at work. Disgusting.


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