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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Delmar Is Freaking Out

We received word this morning that representatives from Delmar are freaking out over yesterday's Post referencing the Delmar Delaware Mayor Houlihan. I was told, "Employees are being threatened with termination". It seems now the tide has shifted from Commissioners to Town Employees.

Yep, leave it to the Good Ol' Boys. It reminds me of Mayor Ireton and the MoJo's situation where everyone was worried about their jobs if they came forward with information on the record. 

That's OK Folks, we always have Salisbury News to get the truth out there anyway. I wonder if they'll run to Matt Maciarello and ask him to pull my phone records again like they did with Ireton's alleged phone spoof? If they do, they'll have a nasty lawsuit on their hands. The last time, Maciarello filed criminal charges against me to get access to my phone records and then immediately dropped the charges once the Judge gave him what he needed. You just have to love how some elected officials abuse their power. Let's just hope they're listening this time.


  1. The DE side is freaking out? Imagine that !!

  2. That homosexual Ireton was hoping everyone would forget about Mojo's. I am glad you kept the heat up on that pansy. At least here at sbynews we get the truth and facts unlike other news outlets who are to afraid the might offend a liberal or democrat keep up the great work joe.

  3. That's a major problem in this area. People are too cowardly to speak up and tell the truth because they get bullied and threatened by their employers, and employers realize employees are too scared to defend themselves so they continue to bully and threaten them.

    I have 1 question for these people - "Are you o.k. with constantly living in fear and misery, and then going to your graves known for being bullied and threatened by your employers all of your lives!?"

    Come on people! Be brave by stepping up to the plate and displaying some courage! Unless of course---you want to go to your graves known as a person who constantly lived in fear and who lived a cowardly life.

  4. this party is over. Speak Truth to Power Now.

  5. The states attorney does not file charges the police do.

  6. The States Attorney decides whether or not the charges are valid and worth pursuing. Maciarello wanted those records from Mr. Albero, but couldn't get them (should have called the NSA, huh?) by any other means. SO, an offical with pretty strong powers filed criminal charges --- KNOWING they were baseless -- only to drop them AFTER he got what he wanted. Really? A government agent using (actually, ABUSING) his authority? Say it ain't so!! And Maciarello did it to someone with his own formidable power and resources. What do you think he does to citizens WITHOUT those resources? Answer? Whatever he wants to do.....keep cheering. Even though you might be next...

  7. Haven't seen you post much about Salisbury lately Joe. Have your attentions shifted to Delmar permanently?

  8. 1:37-Spoken from a true courageous but ANONYMOUS patriot.

  9. What does Salisbury gossip have to do with enlightening Delmar to their town gossip? Get the facts instead of relying on sour grapes of others. Once the past was included in the latest rampage, I see the same old yesteryears news.

  10. Look who's talking as you post anonymously 4:44.
    What a hypocrite.

  11. Albero for Mayor of Delmar! 3 in this household voting for you!

  12. anonymous 9:00, I do NOT live in the Town incorporated limits of Delmar. I cannot run for Mayor.


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