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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cop Gets Kicked Out Of Coffee Shop Because He's A Cop


  1. She's got her opinion and I've got mine.., good for you John.

  2. How can this company do this yet when a bakery refuses to serve a gay couple they are sued.

  3. This just proves the mistrust police have instilled in the public.
    People are tired of their masquerade as peaceful and benevolent officers when they are the opposite looking to abuse power and intimidate citizens.

  4. Here's why,

    "After a long day of marching and action against capitalism and the state come join Red & Black for a celebratory evening of music, drink, and solidarity!"

    He's an Occutard!

  5. Back in the day, cops were given free meals and welcomed everywhere they went; we knew their first names (and called them by it), knew their families, and they knew us (by our first names. too). Now, we are at the point where businessmen throw them out. But it's the citizens fault, right? Commies. Made up quotes from "occutards". When you stop SERVING the people and instead become intent on showing them who's the boss and escalate every situation into a gang attack beating and spend most of your time trying to add to the coffers of the State, you reap what you have sown. Back in the day, we WELCOMED the police into our lives. Now, many people dread an encounter with them. You might get killed asking them a question.

  6. lol "stopped serving the people" The police haven't changed, society has. PERIOD. Police are NO different than they were 50 years ago, except being the targets of every mental person and moron with a video cell phone looking to make a few bucks. Police truly are a very thin blue line who are still willing to help 24/7 365. But why? they are dumped on constantly for NO reason at all, stereotyped more than ANY OTHER group of people on the planet and cant walk down the street or get something to eat without being harassed.

  7. The police haven't changed? You been asleep for the last 30 years? Police (back in the day) made radar units VISIBLE. They didn't yank 75 year old women out of their car and body slam them to the pavement. Every two-bit town in the nation didn't have a fully militarized unit using military weapons against the populace. They didn't open up on unarmed men, women and children, emptying (and RELOADING) every round they had. They had restraint and tried to use the least amount of force to control the situation. Their primary job was actually keeping the peace and protecting people, not serving as a revenue collector (with military style "campaigns" against the citizens. They didn't stop and board every person on a boat to see IF there were any laws being broken, so some fines could be levied. They didn't stop innocent - read that word again, for effect - travelers at Nazi-style roadblocks to see IF they were committing a crime. They didn't charge citizens with "hindering" or "obstruction" for questioning their actions. They didn't murder, rape, rob, steal, extort, deal drugs, protect drug dealers, and violate every law for which regular citizens go to jail. They DID have girlfriends they saw on the side and didn't care if their wife knew (some thing never change). And in light of the thousands of video's of cops beating people senseless (way beyond reason) and the official court documents and police video confirming such brutality, I find the "for no reason" line you tried to slip in, perfectly absurd. Like saying the Jews "had no reason" to fear the SS -- they were just "protecting" the Jews. And the "mental person's" and "morons" (also citizens, but merely morons to the police) with videos and cell phone records RARELY make ANY money on what they film. That is, if the police haven't already (quite illegally, just in case you thought otherwise) CONFISCATED the private property of an innocent and uncharged citizen -- mostly to cover-up their crime and dispose of evidence. Which, as a cop, you should know is also AGAINST THE LAW. A felony. But the law isn't really made for cops, is it?


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