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Sunday, June 30, 2013

City Of Salisbury Receives Fourth Safe Streets Grant

Mayor Ireton proudly announces that effective July 1, 2013, Salisbury Safe Streets will receive $280,227 from the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention for the period July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. The O'Malley/Brown administrations total commitment to the Salisbury Safe Streets program has been $1,294,636 over the past 3 ½ years. 

“We are very pleased to receive another year of Safe Streets funding from Governor O’Malley’s Office of
Crime Control and Prevention. 

Through the Safe Streets violent crime reduction model we have created working partnerships through all levels of government, with the private sector, faith based communities and neighborhood associations. These partnerships provide law enforcement with a broad spectrum of resources to fight crime more efficiently while reducing the fear of crime in our neighborhoods. Our economic prosperity here in Salisbury and Wicomico County is inextricably linked to our crime rate. 

With this round of grant funding from the Governor’s Office, law enforcement remains focused on
continued efforts to reduce violent crime while improving the quality of life for the entire Salisbury community”, said Chief Barbara Duncan.


  1. Only because he knows salisbury needs it.

  2. Has ANYONE seen lower crime in salisbury? Maybe the Mayor should throw a gay Parade.

  3. and the city employees receive a 22% increase in insurance premiums thanks mayor

  4. That won't put a dent in the crime here! But nice try! Lmao!!!!

  5. Wonder what they will do with this money?
    The safe streets program will never see a dime of it , or at least it won't see any affect.

  6. I thought the safe streets program guarantees less crime.
    So safe streets program has marginal impact on crime?

  7. 10:43

    that wuld be obamacare

  8. Next year when there are no grants - there will be unemployed police officers....and higher crime!

  9. I agree with the statement;

    'Our economic prosperity here in Salisbury and Wicomico County is inextricably linked to our crime rate.'

    And now my response - the bigger question - what is being done about it to try and fix the endemic economic condition.

  10. What a flippin joke - Salisbury SAFE STREETS, right! Since when were the streets in Salisbury, safe?

  11. That homosexual pansy is so delusional. Stores are still getting rob you have all these thugs with there underpants showing hanging on the corner selling drugs. The bums pan handling which i thought was a crime. Yea way to go mayor liarton.

  12. I need to make a couple of statements here.

    First of all, I do not hate or dislike Jim Ireton. We simply don't see eye to eye on many political and moral issues. That doesn't make Jim Ireton a bad guy.

    Secondly, I think Barbara Duncan and Matt Maciarello are doing an INCREDIBLE job curbing crime.

    Considering what we had in the past, Salisbury has NEVER been in better hands. The voters of Wicomico County made an incredible decision electing Maciarello and quite frankly your City Council hired Barbara Duncan, Ireton wanted someone else, Ernie Leatherbury.

    As for the Safe Streets program, if there ever was a City is dire need of this program I'd say it would be Baltimore first and Salisbury second.

    I appreciate Governor O'Malley recognizing Salisbury's need for such funding. I have personally reached out to Governor O'Malley on these issues and Salisbury News was the ONLY media outlet who was willing to stick their neck on the line to announce to the public, (and O'Malley) that crime was as bad as it was/is.

    Your former Mayor and Police Chief denied there was any such crime and even went so far as to publicly state there were no Gangs in Salisbury, they lied.

    Again, I believe Governor O'Malley, Mayor Ireton, Sheriff Mike Lewis, States Attorney Matt Maciarello and Chief Barbara Duncan have done an OUTSTANDING job reducing crime. Don't think for a second each mentioned name did it all. It was their Staff who did the physical work to make it happen and they should be recognized.

    When it comes to crime, Salisbury is in great hands right now.

  13. Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    That doesn't make Jim Ireton a bad guy.

    June 28, 2013 at 9:08 AM

    Jim is a bad guy. What he did to you and Debbie Campbell during the election makes him a bad guy. What he did friends and citizens that went out on a limb to get him elected the first time makes him a bad guy. What he did to several good employees makes him a bad guy.

    Overall Jim is a bad guy so please don't try to sound like a good person saying Jim Ireton isn't a bad guy. Jim Ireton and his close circle of friends are ruthless and bad people.

  14. JOE, When i start seeing Anti Crime cops in salisbury pulling people over in car stops for driving iradically and doing drug stops Iwont believe anything about Safe Streets Program. ,

  15. anonymous 11:43, Why don't you do yourself a favor. Call Barbara Duncan up and ask her to provide you with numbers. I'm extremely confident you'll be amazed at just how many stops the SPD, WCSO and MSP are making in Salisbury and Wicomico County.

    THEN come back here and tell us all that I was wrong, that I mislead everyone with my statement.

    Just because YOU want to see proof of vehicles pulled over and being searched doesn't mean it isn't being done. Again, prove me a liar and call Barbara Duncan yourself.

  16. anonymous 9:52, why don't YOU run for Mayor then?

    You have every right to your opinion and in many cases I agree. However, he is doing what 99.999% of you WON'T do.

  17. I have owned and lived in my home for just over 17 years, and crime is down in Salisbury. A few years ago there were stabbings, shootings, robberies, etc. going on all the time in the area in which I live (Doverdale). These days, things have been much better. They are not perfect, but much better.

  18. JoeAlbero said...
    anonymous 9:52, why don't YOU run for Mayor then?

    You have every right to your opinion and in many cases I agree. However, he is doing what 99.999% of you WON'T do.

    June 28, 2013 at 11:51 AM

    bada bing

  19. It's so safe, I make sure to go with my wife if we need to go to the grocery store at night. Or to buy gas. I certainly don't feel safe at night in Salisbury!

  20. Thank you, Debbie Campbell, for forcing the issue of SPD salaries and increases. Your legacy is a safer Salisbury and at least one accused murderer off the street. I am sorry that the Mayor and others didn't want anyone to know of your courage on behalf of the "small" people who don't matter in Salisbury (the ones actually living in regular neighborhoods and gong to work every day).


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