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Sunday, June 09, 2013

City Eyes $26K Transfer To Cover Legal Overage

SALISBURY -- The Salisbury City Council voted this week preliminarily to transfer an additional $26,000 into the city’s legal fund to cover attorney expenses.

Keith Cordrey, director of Internal Services, explained to the city Monday that it has become apparent the funding originally set aside to cover legal expenses will come up short this year.

“Projections indicate that an increase of $26,000 is needed in the FY13 appropriations for the city attorney in order to meet the projected requirements for the legal fees for the remainder of FY2013,” he said.

The year-end total for attorney fees comes to about $225,000, added Cordrey. Each month averaged $20,029 for the nine months reviewed. The $26,000 would be enough to cover any spill over beyond the established budget and would set aside $4,740 to cover legal fees through June until the new fiscal year starts July 1.



  1. Mitchell would rather spend the money on her food and travel than legal protection needed by the city.

  2. Debbie Campbell, please do not laugh too hard at this issue.
    For a fact under your watch this "..I didn't see this coming" BS would not have happened!
    This what you voted for Salisbury. How you like it now?

  3. You're right 10:33. I miss Campbell. She paid close attention to detail and was a true public servant. Sh worked tirelessly for the benefit of the city and the taxpayers. She always voted for what she thought was right for us even when it was pitically dangerous. She wasn't afraid to call them on their BS to protect the taxpayers from harm.

  4. didn't the council fire Paul Wilbur because of the increased legal expense.

  5. 11:07, I think you're confused. Wilber is more expensive per hoir than Tilghman's firm. It is the amount of work that is driving the costs. In other words, Wilber's firm would have billed even more. Think about all the old messes that Tilghman has had to clean up. It's a wonder the bill isn't higher. All the Mayor's crazy ideas like regulations for pods when the city had only ever had problems with 3 and dishonest behavior like with the bricks...all taking legal time drive up the hours. Thanks for nothing, Jim.

  6. You are right "on the money" about this ----- Ms Campbell will be surely missed.
    People you're getting the first taste of what's yet to come!!!

  7. 11:07, Wilber cost the city bigtime with the WWTP snafu.

    But I don't recall Wilber getting the boot over his legal expenses. I think it was more for other things.

  8. Ireton's stupidity and inability to lead is costing Salisbury dearly. It's not the attorney's fault.

  9. Fake Day and that city council are not going to balance a budget it's only gonna get worse That lieing homosexual mayor makes me puke! Debbie was such a great lady! Liberal democratic idiots should not be allowed to vote!

  10. Why didn't the Council and Mayor get on Tilghman's case concerning billing from Oct 2012 to April 2013. Tilghman did not turn in a bill until late May. If the Mayor and Council had demanded billing from Tilghman monthly perhaps they would have seen this coming. Why did they wait 7 months? IMO even if Ms Campbell had won the election this posting would have remained the same.

  11. Um.....pretty sure these legal bills were racked up before the election. You can thank Cohen, Campbell and spies for hiring the new lawyer that sat on these bills till after the election. (Conveniently)

  12. Ummmm, certain that the same number hours from Wilber would have cost more. Looks to me like the mayor ran them up on purpose. He's been known to do that sort of spiteful thing, you know.

  13. Wilber cost the city money. Heck he even lost in court to a group of citizens over the old mall issue. That WWTP contract Wilber drafted cost the city $60,000,000.

  14. "Things like the recent city election and filling the fire chief position were a few of the costs that ballooned this fiscal year."

    This problem should be paid for out of Jim Ireton's pocket. This fiasco began when Jim Liarton knew it would be a fight to move this clown forward. How many times did the City Council tell Jim Liarton no on this guy, but Jim kept making a fight out of it until it became a political football that Jim eventually won. Jim used this to turn many of Debbie's supporters against her over this because they were only being fed what Jim Liarton wanted them to hear. No one wanted this clown from Day one. Jim Liarton promised the firefighters he would get rid of this clown when he took office. How many times did Jim Ireton turn this clown down in the beginning. How many times did the firefighters turn this clown down. Jim Ireton should definitely pay this legal bill out of his own pocket since he created the problem. How soon people forget.

  15. 5:28, you'd better have some proof to back up that accusation, especially since Tilghman explained what was going on at a work session. Unlike you and your dirty accusations, I went looking for the answer.

  16. 9:00 AM What answer did you find?
    According to the service dates on billing from Tilghman, 5:28 is correct in his/her assumption.


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