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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Charges Dropped Against EMT Who Refused Care to Dying Pregnant Woman

Charges have been dropped against an EMT who refused to help a dying pregnant woman – because she was on her coffee break!

In 2009, Melissa Jackson was on duty and in uniform when she walked to a nearby coffee shop for her coffee break and discovered that one of the employees was having a severe asthma attack. Jackson called an ambulance, but refused to help the woman. She even refused to go into the back room to see what type of medical care the woman needed.

Eutisha Rennix was six months pregnant at the time and ended up dying.



  1. What happened to just being a human being and seeing what she could do to help? It's a sad thing to see this kind of crap going on in our country and people getting away with it.

  2. Nice work lawyer, hope your wife or daughter isn't faced with something like that.

  3. People will not read the article and comment on what they think happened.

    This girl is a dispatcher, could she have done more, sure, but she was thinking in her mind about liability if she helped and it went wrong, that is what is wrong with this society. You notice it was charges not a lawsuit, if she had helped I am sure she would have been sued by the family for not saving her life.

    1. If you read the article Einstein you would have also noted that it said she is a fully trained EMT dispatcher. Her excuse was she had no equipment. Does it take equipment to LOOK at a person? How do you know it was liability on her mind, are you now Karnac as well? Don't make excuses. If the truth be known she was probably thinking, "I called an ambulance, now where is my coffee".

  4. The problem is the "EMT" is black and she owes nothing, she is the entitled one. They were in uniform and failed to react. The guy that was with her was charged also, but he was shot and killed later(LMBO).What gets me is her attitude. This woman needs to be fired immediately. Black Americans are ruining this country at the hands of liberal Democrats.

  5. GOD does not like ugly and HE will have the final say in this lazy EMT's life.

  6. 10:56 is a racist fricking idiot, and I'm saying that from behind a white republican face.


  7. Well now 10:56 AM. You nailed it. Better late then never!

  8. Speaking as a former EMT in another state, that girl should be fired immediately. Dispatcher or toilet cleaner, she got her EMT certification therefore she is trained. Even if she had nothing with her she could have monitored the patient's breathing, tried to talk her through slowing down the breathing. The patient may not have died if she at least thought someone was trying to help her. Hope goes a long way. The so called EMT should be stripped of her credentials & never allowed to work in the medical field ever again.

  9. Wait, I thought you guys loved Allen West and were a party of tolerance. lol. How about you read the article chump. She was a desk jockey with no equipment to even handle the situation.

  10. Shawn said...
    People will not read the article and comment on what they think happened.

    This girl is a dispatcher, could she have done more, sure, but she was thinking in her mind about liability if she helped and it went wrong, that is what is wrong with this society. You notice it was charges not a lawsuit, if she had helped I am sure she would have been sued by the family for not saving her life.

    June 27, 2013 at 10:49 AM

    What could go wrong you idiot! She wasn't doing surgery. And yes I did read the article. She is a dispatcher trained as an EMT! She could have at least calmed the patient down and done a set of vitals, ie. pulse and respirations. I am sure they have hot and cold responses in that department and she could have advised the medic unit to respond fasters and get prepared for this patient in severe respiratory distress.

    I despise reading comments from uneducated volunteer FARMIN who are experts in trying to defend other ignorant FARMIN.

  11. Anonymous said...
    10:56 is a racist fricking idiot, and I'm saying that from behind a white republican face.

    June 27, 2013 at 12:22 PM

    What makes him/her a racist? Because the word black was mentioned. I see nothing but truth in what was written.

    By the way I like your subliminal message about being Republican. I bet you voted for Obama. I even bet you are not a Republican.

    1. You are RIGHT on all counts 1:28pm. I agree with you completely!

  12. Oh I am. I'm a registered gun totin' pro choice certified Republican. I did vote for Bil Clinton one time though. The racism comes not from the word black, but from the racist assuming something purely because the EMT is black.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Wait, I thought you guys loved Allen West and were a party of tolerance. lol. How about you read the article chump. She was a desk jockey with no equipment to even handle the situation.

    June 27, 2013 at 1:10 PM

    You must be the racist. What does Allen West have to do with this? I guess he is an Uncle Tom in your book.

  14. 318, reading is fundamental. Maybe you should reread 1056

  15. She's damned if she did, damned if she didn't. Had she reacted and provided more assistance, and the lady still died... she would have been sued once they found out she was only dispatch.

    There used to be a time when one could "help his fellow man/woman". Damned if I'm getting sued because I "sexually harassed" a woman while trying to do chest compressions. Or, sued for breaking an older mans ribs while doing the same. No thanks.

  16. 9:09 How do you know it wasn't on her mind, Einstein? Are you all knowing? Questioning me, yet inserting the other argument as fact? Do you even try? I'm done here, you should try breathing through your nose, it would help.


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