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Friday, June 28, 2013

Charge Dismissed Against Student Who Refused To Remove NRA Shirt

The West Virginia eighth-grader arrested after refusing a teacher's demand he remove a National Rifle Association T-shirt he wore to school won't face criminal charges after all.

Jared Marcum, 14, was charged with obstruction following the April 18 incident after police who were called to Logan Middle School school said he refused to stop talking. The case generated national headlines, as Marcum's family and attorney, Ben White, claimed the demand that he remove the NRA shirt violated his right to freedom of speech. On Thursday, Logan County Circuit Judge Eric O'Briant signed an order dismissing the charge.

Marcum's mother, Tanya Lardieri, told WOWK that she was overcome with emotion after signing a dismissal order relating to the charge. The boy’s father, Allen Lardieri, said the couple is just glad Eric’s legal troubles are behind him. 



  1. Good, now get a haircut

  2. I would be filing false arrest, harassment, assault, and as many other charges I could find against the school, principal, teachers, the BOE and the police who arrested him.

  3. Good to hear. Charges should be coming to the school.

  4. 7:54 You believe in freedom or not. Wearing certain clothes (yes saggy pants included), hairstyle etc all about freedom.

  5. Yes! good answer. Stupid hair and shirt goes well with the area.

  6. 11:13 Saggy pants results in indecent exposure, of buttocks and or genitalia. No one has the freedom to do that in public.
    12:16 That hair style is popular at Salisbury school. LOL

  7. 11:13 no it doesn't you have no idea what your saying

  8. Proud of this guy. We need to raise up an army of like-minded people with guts to fight back against the liberal scum.

  9. I hope the first day of school in the fall, EVERY kid at that school wears that shirt!


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