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Saturday, June 15, 2013

CDC: 'Nearly 50% of U.S. Adults Will Develop at Least One Mental Illness'

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention says that at any given moment about a quarter of American adults are mentally ill and that over the course of their lifetimes about half of all Americans will develop at least one mental illness.

A CDC mental-health fact sheet--Mental Illness Surveillance Among U.S. Adults--says that "published studies report that about 25% of all U.S. adults have a mental illness and that nearly 50% of U.S. adults will develop at least one mental illness during their lifetime.”

The fact sheet also notes that the authors of a 2011 CDC mental health surveillance report pointed out that "currently, no surveillance efforts at the national or state level are directed toward documenting anxiety disorders." The authors thus call for "initiating national-level anxiety disorder surveillance activities." 

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  1. read this bull crap folks. mentally ill = no guns for you. the comments on this article see through this trash as well. this corrupt government won't give up. beware...

  2. Another step to disarm America, declare anxiety a "mental disorder" and prohibit anyone with a mental disorder from owning a weapon.

  3. My cat died...I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at this moment ...think I'll take a pill. Thank goodness I live in a country where doctors know that every crisis deserves a different pill. There are 4 drug stores at this intersection and I cannot decide which is the bet....Now I'm really overwhelmed.

  4. So true, 12:15.


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