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Sunday, June 30, 2013


The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the federal Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional, striking down a provision that denied benefits to legally married gay couples.

The 5-4 ruling -- a major victory for gay-rights advocates -- means those same-sex couples would be eligible for federal benefits.

Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the majority opinion.

"DOMA divests married same-sex couples of the duties and responsibilities that are an essential part of married life and that they in most cases would be honored to accept were DOMA not in force," he wrote. 



  1. It is called equality for all.

  2. it's still perverted!

  3. And house republicans wasted 3 million dollars of taxpayer money to defend this. They lost the original trial, the appeal and yet just kept wasting money to this end.

    1. Obama Crooked MotorsJune 26, 2013 at 12:08 PM

      I don't call this waste of money. They stood their ground and fought the good fight. One of the Justices turned and sway the 5-4 so they lost. Yes it may cost 3 million dollars, but for the good cause. Maybe they believed it was something to fight for instead of rolling over. What would you say when Obama's and their "entourage" spend 100 Millions of Taxpayers Money in a week on trip to Africa, are you suggesting thats Ok?

  4. Catholic Mass to be made illegal in 3....2....1

  5. No matter how you try and spell it out there ALL going to HELL.period so enjoy.

  6. Just more ways this sick and perverted homosexuals who are not christians are destroying our country. I still believe in a traditional marriage 1 man 1 woman. Homosexuals can't reproduce on their own.

  7. Joe what are GAY people going to do when Shari'a law comes to America. Look at how Shari'a towns in England are treating woman and gays.

  8. Anon12:07: I'm a heterosexual female who, unfortunately, cannot produce living children. I guess my husband and I shouldn't have been given the opportunity to be married as we cannot procreate together and should not have been allowed to adopt our children as we (I) are obviously not "normal".

  9. I agree with you 12:06 they are going to hell. This nation was founded on christian values. There was no adam and steve in the bible or madam and eve. You do not see species in the wild chasing after the same sex and trying to mate with one another.It was a waste of 3 million dollars. Don't understand how you can see love knowing they have the same things as you do makes me wanna puke. And Obama being a flip flopper on his stance of what he considered a traditional marriage and how it goes against his christian values but as time goes on we are learning that Obama is not a christian anyone that would go to a church that a pastor say gd America and he is supporting muslims shows you what kinda of direction this country is going in.God save us all.

  10. I guess the money was their idea of stimulus for the poor lawyers.

  11. You can't really say it's about equality since the word marriage was defined as was the word gay and many other words in the English language.
    It's more along the lines of mentality; That mentality being the sponge mentality and sponging.
    This same sex marriage issue was never about the covenant of marriage but the benefits and what they can get for free out of it.

  12. disgusting.even if u dont believe in God man body part with another man is unnatural. same for females

  13. 12:37 people like you are a dying breed, and it's great.

  14. 12:59 it is sicking i totally agree with you. I just think that homosexuals have a couple of screws loose in their head. Just will never be natural for a man to be with another man and a woman to be with another woman. And considering that most homosexuals and people that support them are liberal democrats that is the promblem with the country now these homosexuals are trying to brainwash people into getting people to think that sick lifestyle is ok.

  15. and once again Alex comes out of his shell

  16. America just got a little more free today.

  17. I bet Mayor Ireton is jumping for joy!

  18. 2:27 You mean America got a little more screwed today.

  19. Obama Crooked MotorsJune 26, 2013 at 2:54 PM

    Alex, you might be the dying breed, I heard Jimmie Schmoe wants to marry his sheep. According to the Law - it is his right.

  20. If GOD had intended homosexuality as a lifestyle we would all be the same sex.
    While GOD loves each individual person HE does not love the sin they commit and homosexuality is a sin. Nowhere in the Bible is it condoned. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of their sinful ways. One day the people of this world will pay for the sins comitted.

  21. Alex, once again we are all dazzled by your intelligent comments.

  22. 3:24 God made variety in nature.

  23. 3:24 I think you hit the nail on the head. If the world was ment to be homosexual the human race would not even exist. Homosexuals expect everyone to be tolerant of that sick and perverted life style. Sorry not everyone is going to be accepting of 2 men and 2 women being together. And you have men out here wearing dresses and women out here dressing and acting like men seems right down sicking.

  24. So...our voice/votes as citizens no longer count. Plain and simple.
    Go read the Federalist Papers to gain an understanding of hows's and why's of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
    The gay Activists could not win their way through the ballot box, so had to connive a way to push their agenda through the court system.
    One might also look at all the major religions and their take on same sex unions/marriages... but then we today are such an elite, knowledgeable, and much more civilized society that has ever existed in history..so why should we pay any attention to history!
    Hope everyone is enjoying this liberal lead ride to destruction.

  25. God may never have intended for two men or two women to procreate however homosexuality has been around since the beginning of time. Remember God was crucified for all sins, homosexuals included. BUT what two consenting adult males or females do in the privacy of their home is neither your business nor is it mine and frankly you'll never know what goes on behind closed doors anyway. These are people that love one another just as strongly as a man and a woman love each other. The gay and lesbian community is not asking for acceptance in the eyes of The Lord, they want to be recognized legally under laws of the land as a caring and loving couple with the same benefits as a heterosexual couple. Yes this great nation was founded upon christian values and beliefs. I do not know of any religious laws that this nation is governed by at this time. Do tell why you and those like minded feel the need to persecute the LGBT community for only wanting to be a recognized part of society. It's really akin to the Egyptians persecuting the Jews for their beliefs. The USA gives everyone the inailiable right to free speech and I respect everyone's opinion. However, it's not anyone's business what one does in the privacy of their own home. My oldest brother who is in his early 60's has been openly gay for longer than I've been on Earth. He has been with his partner for over 30 years. I have never shown disrespect towards he or his partner and I have ALWAYS thought of his partner as another brother and

  26. >>>12:37 people like you are a dying breed, and it's great.<<< That's true, Alex. Your kind are calling the shots these days and have been for the last decade. The moral, spiritual, and intellectual decay of our society is largely attributable to you people. Oh, but now men can marry men! Thanks loads...


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