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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Bid To Repeal Md. Gun-Control Law Fails

WASHINGTON - The petition drive to repeal Maryland's gun-control law has fallen short, according to a spokesman for Maryland Secretary of State.

Steve Ackerman told The Washington Post on Saturday that the petition drive, led by the group Free State Petitions, had failed to meet the minimum of 18,579 signatures - the first third of the 55,736 that were ultimately required - by the deadline of midnight Friday night in order to put a repeal question on the 2014 ballot.

The gun-control law bans assault weapons and magazines with more than 10 rounds. Gun buyers are also required to be fingerprinted, have a photo ID and take a safety class.



  1. The people have spoken, especially with how easy it is to do a ballot petition, it should be obvious that this is what Maryland residents want.

  2. gun rights people didnt want the petition, they want court

  3. No 8:32-the politicians have spoken. The people will speak when they come to confiscate.

  4. I agree with 8:35.

  5. Like the people wanted obammy?

  6. no one wants their name associated with a cause that is targeted by an out of control government.

    it is getting closer and closer.

  7. The coverage of this is totally wrong. I hate the new law, but I do not believe a referendum is the correct way to overturn an unconstitutional law. We do that via the courts. Therefore, I refused to sign. This law will be challenged in court.

  8. 8:35 Oh, now you want an activist judge. Even Scalia has said that you cannot eliminate guns but you can regulate them.

  9. After watching coverage of the hearings, many of our Maryland liberal politicians are incapable of coherent speech - total morons. Vote em out.

  10. Anyone who can remember past last Thursday will know that the gun rights folks and MD Petitions' Neil Parrot made the decision that joining up with the NRA lawsuit was the way to here, and that is the action being taken at this point in time. Free State wanted to go rogue and split off in their own direction, knowing that failure would follow. Of course it did, and I suspect the only reason they started their petition in the first place was to dilute the signature base that Parrot would have received. Now they tout their failure as some sort of "told you so" about how Marylanders feel. They are nothing but a money grubbing club of political hacks.

    Give towards the NRA-ILA lawsuit effort and we can drive the draconian gun laws into the ground once and for all.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Do you beleive gun control stop will criminal from buying assault guns. nooooooooo

    June 3, 2013 at 12:47 PM

    Gun control will not stop ANYONE from buying guns. They might have to alter where, when, from who they purchase them, but people, criminals or otherwise, who want to buy something, anything, will do so. Regardless of any law.

    Only thing guaranteed about any gun control, the number of criminals will increase.


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