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Sunday, June 09, 2013


It should be a felony to “annoy” a cop in New York, the state Senate has voted.

The New York State Senate passed a bill today that “creates the crime of aggravated harassment of a police or peace officer. The bill (S.2402), sponsored by Senator Joe Griffo (R-C-I, Rome) would make it a felony to harass, annoy, or threaten a police officer while on duty. ”

More from Griffo:

“Police officers who risk their lives every day in our cities and on our highways deserve every possible protection, and those who treat them with disrespect, harass them and create situations that can lead to injuries deserve to pay a price for their actions.”

The bill establishes this crime as a Class E Felony, punishable by up to four years in prison.


  1. I love it! Get some order back in this damn country.

  2. there goes freedom of speech along with your guns if you live in NY

  3. Completely unconstitutional

  4. Your better off annoying a cop than if you annoy me.

  5. My buddy Chip says this is complete BS.

  6. Citizens interpretation:
    If and when a hypocrite cop begins harassing you, consider it a threat to your life and well being. Deadly force is then justified to stop his or her illegal assault on you.
    Be prepared as they are. Do not hesitate to eliminate the threat. They don't. Dead man tell no lies.

  7. Sure,sure.Promises promises.Prisons already cram packed to the gills and no available space.Sure it would restore some degree of order,but it's logistically impossible to do unless the real badasses are released to make room.

  8. I say give the cops back their night sticks and let them kick ass like they did back when I was a kid. We did not have the problems we have today. People were respectful of each other and you lived by some rules. If the cops were called you had better hit the road or you would get a ass kicking.

  9. These "legislators" (spit the taste out of your mouth now) should KNOW that the right to free speech is SPECIFICALLY written to allow citizens to criticize (annoy, too) official government agents, be they police, politicians, or public servants. Its not written for employee safeguards. Its for the citizens who don't like what they see or hear from the people who wish to control them, beat them, jail them, or intimidate them. And aren't cops supposed to be trained in self restraint and have the ability to control themselves in adverse circumstances? Huh?? Maybe "back in the day". NOW, they are just thuggish enforcers who will gang-beat, then arrest you, for merely "annoying them". Keep cheering. It seems to be working GREAT!

  10. Sounds like the "SS" in Nazi Germany is here now...

  11. If you haven't learned whom to show respect to by the time you are 3-4 years old, there's no hope for you.

  12. What the heck is an "R-C-I", Royal chump ignoramus? Uh, oh, they're coming for me! (Insert shucking sound here)

  13. Outstanding law, bring it to MD.

  14. The reason this country has gotten out of control is because cops have had their hands tied for the last 30 or 40 years. Just think, if they could do they jobs we wouldn't have community organizer politicians running this country in the ground.

  15. What total garbage. If a cop is annoyed, walk the freak away. If it continues, there are already laws on the books to address this.

    Cops are usually the ones annoying people. And the ones agreeing with this bs should move to NY. They will gladly take your rights away you so willingly give away.

    Cops need LESS power, not more. If you want to complain about crime in the streets, do it to the ones who pass these laws and the ones who let them go free.

    Cops deal with the underbelly of society AND citizens. They can't always tell which is which. But treating each group badly is not the way to correct the situation.

  16. 100% accurate statement 1:08pm

  17. Anonymous said...
    100% accurate statement 1:08pm

    June 9, 2013 at 2:47 PM

    Really? Just how would an unrestrained cop stop obammy, or anyone else, from becoming president, let alone stop them from doing anything?

    Please tell us. I would really like to hear the rest of your fantasy.

  18. Stupid people won't get it 1:27. If the cops didn't have their hands tied back in the day when bammy was stirring up crap he would be in jail right now and not in the Whitehouse.


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