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Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Whistle-Blower: Special Forces Could Have Saved Americans In Benghazi

U.S. special operations forces in Libya could have saved Americans killed in the attack last Sept. 11 on the consulate in Benghazi but were told to stand down, a State Department whistle-blower has told congressional investigators.

The testimony by Gregory Hicks, who will appear before a House panel on Wednesday, contradicts previous testimony by administration officials who have said all U.S. forces in Libya were deployed the night of the attack.

Hicks was in Tripoli during the attack and became the top U.S. diplomat in Libya when Ambassador Christopher Stevens was killed.

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  1. There is no excuse as to why US special ops were not immediately dispatched to Benghazi by the US president. The admin wanted to keep the false narrative going that terrorism and al qaeda had been defeated which ended up costing American lives and a nightmare for the survivors.

  2. Obama will protect the Muslims just like he's protecting the Boston bomber from death row.

  3. Obama deliberately wanted the attack in Benghazi to succeed to cover whatever was actually going on.
    Why else would he order our troops to stand down?

  4. Manufactured after the fact evidence at best.


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