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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Veteran Prison Psychologist Surprised By Scope Of Corruption At City Detention Center

Even criminal justice professionals say they're surprised at the scope of the corruption at the Baltimore City Detention Center.

The inmate gang leader who's facing federal charges for running a smuggling and sex empire out of the jail pleaded not guilty in federal court yesterday. So did several of the prison guards who prosecutors say he conspired with and had sex with.

Arnett Gaston,Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and expert on prison gangs who told Maryland's Morning News on WBAL that one of the reasons the guards were in bed, literally and figuratively with the prisoners is that the economic class distinction that used to separate guards from inmates has been disappearing over the past few decades. 



  1. sooo, you're saying the inmates were making as much as the screws? Holy crap! And no house payments! Or utility bills!

  2. Why would a "prison psychologist" be amazed at the scandal? I mean, really. Think critically, folks. You are a psychologist seeing prison inmates all day long seeking their opinions, inner thoughts, reactions to others, etc, and you didn't see this coming for OVER A YEAR!
    You need to work at Lowe's or somewhere like that!


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