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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

USPS Healthcare

The U. S. Postal Service has hired United Healthcare to provide health insurance to 35,000 non-career employees. The move will bring USPS into compliance with the Affordable Health Care Act. The three year contract starts in 2014. It will cost up to $239 million per year, depending on how many people sign up. Beneficiaries will pay their own way. The contract comes with two renewal options, each for three years. Regular postal workers under the Federal Employee Health Benefits program will continue with the same coverage.

1 comment:

  1. The US judicial system is way bigger than the USPS.The endless stream of criminals generate a continuous flow of revenue that is not adversely affected by technology,as is the USPS.Everyone with any business sense whatsoever knew that the USPS could not survive as a government agency because they don't generate sufficient revenue from within.Excessive salaries compounded an already uncontrollable situation.


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