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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Unidentified Man Plants Drugs On Adam Kokesh - Arrest Or Setup?

During the arrest of Adam Kokesh, an unidentified man is videotaped placing something on Adam Kokesh while the police are restraining Adam. Most likely planted drugs. Was this a setup?

The guy planting the evidence in Adam's pocket was in plain clothes, pretending to be "arrested" along side him. So was this a plain clothes federal agent that was planted there in order to plant them? It's only by complete chance that someone was there with a video camera to catch it at that precise angle.



  1. Yeah, it definitely looks like something was planted in his back pocket or pants. But who is Kokesh?

  2. He is a very out spoken individual about our crooked government. He is absolutely right in his speeches.
    This is the loss of freedom of speech. I only hope that these police officers are fired or even shot for this crime.
    They are trying to stop the truth from this man , they are afraid of the truth. The country is almost at the end people.

  3. Kokesh is a libertarian anti-anything kinda guy. Believe it was a pro marijuana rally.
    Hard to say if the guy doing it was a fed or just dumping his own stash.

  4. Man, c'mon. The police never "plant evidence". Or perjure themselves at trial. Or lie. All those people released from 25- life sentences and even death row were convicted by made-up evidence, false testimony, and State's Attorneys anxious for a great conviction rate (and if innocent people go to prison? Ahhhh, it happens , but mostly in Russia, China, and North Korea). If you can't argue the facts and truth, smear the messenger. It has a long history of working rather well. Right here in the USA, too.

    1. Clueless paranoid schizophrenic 11:36?


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