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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Tyranny Around The Corner

A few weeks ago, President Obama advised graduates at Ohio State University that they need not listen to voices warning about tyranny around the corner, because we have self-government in America. He argued that self-government is in and of itself an adequate safeguard against tyranny, because voters can be counted upon to elect democrats (lowercase "d") not tyrants. His argument defies logic and 20th-century history. It reveals an ignorance of the tyranny of the majority, which believes it can write any law, regulate any behavior, alter any procedure and tax any event so long as it can get away with it.

History has shown that the majority will not permit any higher law or logic or value – like fidelity to the natural law, a belief in the primacy of the individual or an acceptance of the supremacy of the Constitution – that prevents it from doing as it wishes.



  1. Everything he and his minions have done have promoted one party rule which is a Tenet of Marxism.
    IRS, AP... anything illegal to shut down the opposition. For the greater good of course.

  2. it's very telling that our founders warned us to beware of government and warned us against tyranny from a government with too much power. in other words be vigilant and don't allow this to happen.

    on the other hand; Obama tells young mush minds to don't pay attention to those who are trying to warn against tyranny now...

    now who do you trust? I hope not obama.

  3. We need a revolutionary leader such as Nugent or my friend.
    We must start these up-rising asap all over this nation.
    Does this scare you? Well that's too bad , it's a commin.


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