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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Top 10 Excuses For Speeding

10. My GPS said it was the right thing to do: 2.2 percent.
9. I was on my way to an emergency: 4 percent.
8. I didn't do anything dangerous: 4.2 percent.
7. I had to go to the bathroom: 4.6 percent.
6. I missed my turn/exit: 4.8 percent.
5. I'm having an emergency situation in my car: 5.4 percent.
4. Everyone else was doing it: 6.4 percent.
3. I didn't know I broke the speed limit: 12.4 percent.
2. I'm lost and unfamiliar with the roads: 15.6 percent.

And the number one reason...

1. I couldn't see the sign telling me not to do it: 20.4 percent.


  1. State Trooper pulled me over the other day.
    Got me coming the opposite way with radar.
    His first words " you didn't slow down until you saw me" ,
    DAH , WTF , I said " you surely didn't expect me to speed up"
    Just a warning.

  2. Gerald, retired Detroit copMay 2, 2013 at 9:17 AM

    At least a real cop gave out a ticket on these, or not, but the point is, this is the honorable way to do things, not sticking up a camera in a box and fudging the data. By allowing sworn law enforcement officer to stop and give out tickets you might actually stumble on a wanted person, or solve a real crime. This is how Tim McVeigh was caught. Sometimes the officer makes a judgment call and won’t write a ticket. Also, the person speeding might be in an emergency situation that could use police help. Everyone complains about how society has gotten so crass and isolated from each other, this is another way, by not having person to person contact. Same as those “Self Check-outs”, great, now you don’t have to interact with a grocery person.

  3. The State Trouper asked me why I was going so fast. I said "Last year my wife ran off with a cop and I was afraid you were bringing her back".

  4. What excuse do cops use when they speed?

  5. Answer? The law ain't made for us. Now put your hands behind your back.

  6. Press firmly you're making five copies!


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