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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Those Who Attended Salisbury Party Speak Out

SALISBURY, Md. (WJZ)— Wild parties in Salisbury brought a massive police response. Police say some people that those parties chucked beer cans at them—and that’s not all.

Mike Hellgren has the latest on the confrontation.

Police say people were throwing full beer cans at officers. Still, some have been critical of the police response. One landlord is looking at solutions and says it is a cautionary tale of how fast these types of parties can grow.

Kris Adams has seen plenty of off-campus parties in Salisbury but nothing like what she witnessed last weekend. Adams rents to students on Smith Street and rushed to the scene.

“When I came down the street, it looked like a war zone. The cans…you could hardly see the grass for the cans, the trash,” Adams said.



  1. Although the party consisted of other than college students it was the college students who irresponsibly organized the fiasco. And shame on jakey day. I knew that boy was trouble. He should be charged and made an example of. If anyone has video or photo proof I think a reward should be offered to turn it over to the States Attorney's Office.

  2. I was at a large party this semester. An older gent on a bike came buy and started to collect the cans which he was going to trade in for some cash. Every single student stopped what they were doing and helped to fill his bags. The smile on his face was priceless. Quit ruling out college kids who choose to drink as degenerates. To the old folks: You were allowed to drink in bars at age 18 right?!The drinking age changed from 18 to 21 in 1984. Tell us your stories from then. Did drinking as a social event hamper your ability to grow into the adult you are today?

  3. Sick and tired of these "children" making excuses. They new the party was out of hand by pure numbers. It's time to grow up.

  4. Alcoholic perhaps? 9:14? Didn't realize it was a need.

  5. I see a tax of some sort in the air over this. The mayor is sitting and scratching his head, "How can I use this incident to raise or come up with a new tax?"

  6. Really, your involved in a out of control party, and decide to pick up discarded cans that were thrown away on peoples private property. Then you want an attaboy for picking up your own trash because you helped out a homeless person. How about you act like a responsible citizen and not a out of control self entitled college brat and volunteer at a homeless shelter.

    Its allways the same, poor college kids, we should be allowed to party and you residents of Salisbury should put up with us because we contribute so much to the community. Trust me your more of a drag then a benefit. Your college continues to buy up more and more property converted formally that taxes could be collected on, but now cant to house more of you idiots which continues to stress the infrastructure without reimbursement. Enough already, if the college would take responsibility for your on and OFF campus activities S.U. would be a monastery because they would not and could not handle the mess students create.

  7. Criminal background checks should be done on those who accused the police of using excessive force via pepper spray.That shouldn't be too difficult, considering most were on TV blabbing about it.

  8. 2/2 shut down the rentals.

  9. 914 it was a different era back then the reason why it was ok to drink at 18 was because we where a lot more mature than you little rich college kids HENCE why its 21 to drink now?

    1. Little rich kids? Salisbury is one of the least expensive 4 year colleges around. Most young adults that go there have taken out loans, grants or some sort of financial aid.
      The college has been here much longer than most sby residents. It has had somewhat of a reputation of a "party school" since 1980. Just like the people who bought condos across from brew river, people need to realize where they are buying a house instead of buying an then expecting it to change all of a sudden.
      The university has raised it's S.A.T. And PGA requirements to get in over the past 10 years. Also students do now face disciplinary action from the college for incidents that occur off campus. Some would call that double jeopardy.
      Ask the owner o the ravens how this party school worked out for him

  10. if it wasn't for those college kids, sby would be worse off plain and simple...

    It is their money that goes to the college which in return go to the govt...

    they stay around here and spend their money which helps the economy, when they leave for the summer it is a ghost town here and the economy suffers for it...

    1. I don't suffer from it 9:56. It's quite nice in fact. Please stay gone.

  11. Hey 9:14- i'm 52- and sure I drank- even before 18. An extremely obvious answer to your concern is this- underage drinking is illegal. period.

    If you're gonna do it anyway, and of course you are, Do it inside in small, quiet groups- not a mob scene.

    As a property owner, full-time resident, and taxpayer, (of which the majority of attendees are certainly not) I wholly support the police reaction.

  12. 9:56-Agreed,but the community shouldn't be extorted for this priviledge.

  13. i think the collage should have a spot for the kids to go and require them to stay on campus for about 2 months and not spend a dime in Salisbury and then see you all cry about the loss of money to the area they spend a lot of money and all you do is cry about them OK lets get rid of the collage and raise taxes for all

    1. 10:17 the only reason most of the crappy establishments exist is because of you brats. Salisbury did fine before the dung heap of a college was here and would be better without it.

    2. 11:56, hasn't the college been here (in some form or another) since the 1920s? I'm impressed that you can remember back that far. Maybe we should go back to having unpaved roads and outhouses too.

    3. 1:21 if it means ridding us of numbskulls like you I would take the dirt roads any day!

  14. Poor college "kids" meanwhile "kids" of the same age group are being shot and killed as part of their military duties. These people aren't kids, they are irresponsible adults.

  15. Your spoiled, entitled mentality is disgusting. You wouldn't be pulling this nonsense in your own hometowns for fear of your parents pulling your endless supply of money away from you.

    You are thoughtless, arrogant, disruptive, and mindless. You don't deserve the priviledge of attending college.

    You haven't shown any level of maturity by your actions and certainly some of these comments.

    Here's a lesson for you:
    You don't deserve nor are you entitled to respect. You MUST EARN it. That I'm afraid is just too much for most of you because you think you are entitlted to everything and you don't have to do anything to earn anything.

    Better grow up children, your liberal professors haven't done their jobs. The real world doesn't owe you anything, you earn it! Buckle up and start studying and save your livers!!!!

  16. The older crowd that visit this site just don't get it. In order to find a solution you must identify the source of the problem. 'Gosh darn all those college kids, always partying, up to no good'. Pointing fingers will never get you anywhere. The younger generation isn't the source of the problem, it is the older generation who refuse to adapt and accept the college age community and what they bring to this town. And to think this is a localized problem, think again.

  17. Every college student, professor, and anyone employed by the university should start marking their cash. Just watch and see how many marked bills you see around Salisbury.
    Also people complain about the cops, but if my starting salary was less than an assistan mgr at mcdonalds I would be choosing to bust college parties instead of fighting real crime too

  18. To make matters worse most of them probably voted for Obama. That shows their mentality right there.

  19. does this mean the out door beer fling is cancelled this saturday. i hope not nothing else to do

  20. 10:49 you are stupid and crazied. Homeowners and the "older generation" have adapted to the poor behaviors, the spoils of the college students. They have had enough. They were earning livings and making a home when these kids weren't even thought of.

    The SU students need a course in citizenship and how to adapt to the community in which they are moving into not the other way around. You obviously are of the entitled generation.

  21. 10:49 sounds like mike dunn, twin to jake day.

  22. Hey, Mike D.: Do you have kids?
    Why don't you move to Smith street and party with a college crowd ? I am sure you will appreciate them peeing all over your yard and keeping you up through the night. And then, in the morning go to work.... :)

  23. Not a peep from the mayor on this event.

  24. 10:44 Get over yourself.

  25. 9:06 Where is Jake Day mentioned? Trying the old 9/11 Sadam word association trick. Guess you learned from the best.

    1. Look at yesterday's posting before you write Moran 12:00!

  26. I enjoy Salisbury during the summer when all college brats are gone. It's a much nicer town. Tax the devil out of the college like Salisbury does its citizens - collect taxes on all the properties they own - then lower everyone elses taxes then we won't complain so much about the brats.

  27. Anonymous said...
    i think the collage should have a spot for the kids to go and require them to stay on campus for about 2 months and not spend a dime in Salisbury and then see you all cry about the loss of money to the area they spend a lot of money and all you do is cry about them OK lets get rid of the collage and raise taxes for all

    May 8, 2013 at 10:17 AM

    i is a collage stewdint

  28. If by "older", you mean homeowners with jobs that need to sleep before going to WORK, not be kept up all night by inconsiderate asses, then I guess I'm older. Tell you what: rent a house next to your parents & act this way. Then they can see how you conduct yourself on their dime. Oh, wait, you might get cut off then. Who will pay for your drinking time, I mean education,then?

  29. Same old typical stupid comments from the defenders of drunken students:

    "You are all old fogeys."
    "Get rid of the college and you are nothing."
    "You were young once and partied."

    First off, I'm 34. Old to you, I guess.

    Second, no one is saying get rid of the college, but you flatter yourself to think that Salisbury is nothing without students. When the college was small, Salisbury had a lot going for it economically, including hosting national tennis championships. I wish to hell I'd been around then, but being a double history/biz admin major, at least I got to know about that cool stuff.

    Yeah, I partied in college. I also never threw a beer can at police, pissed on my neighbors' plants or trashed their property.

    SU was getting its reputation back after you wanks did this last year, but it's funked again. Stop defending this b.s. and learn how to party without f'ing up.

    Just ask yourselves how your parents and their neighbors would like this in their 'hood.

  30. 10:31, SU doesn't require SAT's any more.

    Nice try.

  31. Salisbury junior Mike Lafferty is a liar. I drove by twice on Camden in half an hour and the place was still packed. Cleared out in 30 seconds? Liar.

    Salisbury University junior Mike Lafferty says there was no need to use pepper spray and K9s and says that made party-goers panic.

    “They treat us like we’re criminals, is what it is. It’s ridiculous. They said it took an hour to clear people out; it took a good 30 seconds. Everyone was just heading down Smith Street, getting away from the dogs and pepper-spray,” Lafferty said.

  32. 12:00--

    I'm told Jake Day was at the party -- my guess is he was with his recently-graduated fiancee and her friends. He was participating in drinking games and such. I'm sure there are pictures...it's just a question of when they'll pop up on Facebook or elsewhere.

    Hopefully this revelation will bring an end to this sad chapter in our city's history.

  33. 12:00 try reading both articles,11:41 ounds like you are one of the entitlted drunks


  35. If SOME of these comments represent the intelligence springing forth from SU, then God help this generation and the one that follows.

    I also remember when the college was smaller and yes the economic times were much better than the current times. It seems to me, the students wanted to actually learn. The desire to seek, and apply their knowledge was evident. Unfortunately, over the years, that quality has gone missing at the college. By the too far liberal professors they hire, and the actual class of students that attend the college.

    By class, I'm not speaking about economics, I'm speaking of the ethics and respect that families taught their children and it showed in the calibre of student attending and graduating from the college.

    Now we are left to deal with mobs, drunken parties, and all the bad choices the supposedly adult students leave in their quake.

    SOME of these comments prove the total lack of respect for any type of authority. If you don't want baby-sitters, don't incite mobs, noise, litter, bad behaviors, and cause the police who already have their work cut out for them
    to needlessly have to babysit you.

    Only the college students can turn this around. The neighborhood citizens aren't the ones keeping you students awake all night, creating the noise, the garbage, and all the other poor behavioral elements you cause.

    If you really are responsible, and want to be taken seriously, then only you can change. Take a good look at yourselves in the mirror. Become the better person you think you are.

  36. so far we don't know that Jake Day was there or not, but why did all you idiots out there vote for him? If you were reading the papers and this sight you would have known that his whole background, employment, service, and education were all lies stretched to the max, nothing stood up to inspection and yet you still voted for him, just now try to get rid of him a lot harder to do-fools.

  37. 9:52 The 4-2 law helped stop the feeding frenzy of landlords buying owner occupied homes around the college-previously these homes were too expensive to use as colege rentals but when you stuff 4,5,6 or more students at 800-1000 a pop it becomes extremely lucrative. Many of the well connected slumlords got exemptions from the law, it used to be prominently displayed on the City website with the address and owner but is now very obscure and lists the address only. But there are many many exempted from the 4-2 law.

  38. Mike Lafferty, you ARE a criminal. The city has a noise ordinance; obviously that law was being broken. Peeing in flowerbeds? Yeah, I've had that happen in my yard lots of time-until I bought a motion-activated sprinkler!

    My generation partied, too, but we didn't START at 11pm, we were usually done by then. Parties were small and usually quiet. Oh yeah, and there was a draft going on at the time. You're a bit more serious about doing well in school if you can be shipped off to a war should you flunk out!

  39. The college needs to use a policy, no neighborhood parties or you are not attending your school expelled. I feel SU does not care by staying silent. When someone dies there will be a different tone at this college. Seems like SU would want to display a good reputation, take a stand on irresponsible drinking parties and require student behavior be appropriate on campus and in the neighborhood, not famous for having rude students.Immature students.
    It is likely there will be a disaster, it is a matter of time. I lived near Brown Univerity, never were the students a problem in the neighborhood or in the news acting like fools.

  40. Someone said " they treat us like criminals". Well, yes underage drinking is against the law. So is trashing your neighbors property, and making excessive noise. So, technically you are criminals. Live with the consequences, dude.

  41. As for Kris Adams, maybe now you see why homeowners in the Camden area get upset. Yes, these parties can turn ugly very quickly (you're surprised? Really?). Yes, these parties can quickly become very very large. Maybe you and your fellow slumlords should try living near these messes you've created.

  42. I've even seen their safe ride vans bringing the derelicts to parties and dropping them off one or two blocks short of the party. How's that for helping build community relations!

  43. Where the hell is Alex when we need him???

  44. So, was Jake Day there or not? Is there no one with any integrity or morals left that will tell the truth?

  45. Reading these comments takes me back to the '60s and early '70s. This little party ya'll had wasn't a hill of beans in the grand scheme of things. I would bet my own money that whoever tossed stuff at the Pigs weren't SU students. I have never seen any problems with these kids, if anything they all go home on the weekends. Most of them can't legally drink, and I don't see them at 213 and only occasionally at Fratellis. So you can forget the little rich kid line. Food Lion maybe, because they are just getting by like most of us. It's the end of the school year, is this party a surprise? If so you are an idiot. I would be curious to know what the last sale date was on every house in the college area. I'm thinking that ya'll knew darn well there was a college close by. So cry me a river you clowns, and give the kids a little slack.

  46. 7:24 you are either a drunk, a pothead or maybe both, you certainly have no respect for others

  47. Where are the pictures of Jake Day? Or is this a smear job?

  48. We, the taxpayers cover the cost of that "Safe Van" which should be called a "Drunk Van". Those parties are on us

  49. Good Old Salisbury, I town of crackheads and cranky senior citizens looking for something to complain about it. With out the school here Salisbury would be more a dump then it already is so quit your crybaby tactics and focus on the REAL problems this town faces.

  50. college students aren't adults or kids. they are punks.
    run them out of salisbury like we should run out the illegal aliens in this country. the college is a joke. salisbury will do just fine without it.

  51. @8:53, were you dropped on your head as a child? Before you insult college students maybe you should educate yourself a little better. Salisbury would be worse off were it not for the University bringing some intelligence to this dead beat dump of a town.

    The only thing that is a joke is your comment.

    1. Funny that you're here 10:14. Must like the smell or something. Well smell dis!

  52. I have lived in two different areas of this town since the 1970's. I left my first home because of college scum described above that lived across the street. Some highlights of their antics:
    * Fornicating in my front yard
    *Blocking traffic with 100's of people in the street
    * Burning furniture in their backyard as part of their bonfire
    * Sitting on my car for a chair
    * Beer cans and litter in their yard and my yard
    There is more but you get the picture. I moved to Delaware. In 2006 I moved back and bought a 1/4 million dollar house in Salisbury. Now in 2013 since this town has turned to crap with Ireton at the helm the homes that people have left to go get a job are not being sold and are being turned into rentals for college scum. The cycle continues. We are planning getting the the Hell out of Dodge when we can. The college should be held accountable for their little meal tickets. This town is dead with or without that hell hole of a college. The little college idiots that stick it out through all the partying and get their Mc-Degrees are useless to society anyway. I have seen them come and go at my workplace, They have no useful work skills or ethics but they can tell you the benefits of socialism and saving the planet. The people of this town need to rise up and make the ilk running SU (Sodom University) accountable to the crimes of their comrades.

  53. SU cops are JOKES!

    1. Doesn't matter. They're making some damn good money and guess who's paying them.

  54. WHY do our tax dollars have to fund the cleanup by public works, in OVERTIME? The college & individuals need to be held responsible if not liable. Yet fat chance some young adult would "own" what he's/she's responsible for.
    An aside, wonder how many under age drinkers were there. Those of age are "contributing to the delinquency", aren't they?
    Mare was wrong to send out public works for cleanup!

  55. 9:14. actually the drinking age was 21 & got lowered to 18 long before it was raised again. It was raised again because that age group could not drink responsibly. It's been proven over & over again.

  56. "i think the collage should have a spot for the kids to go and require them to stay on campus for about 2 months and not spend a dime in Salisbury and then see you all cry about the loss of money to the area they spend a lot of money and all you do is cry about them OK lets get rid of the collage and raise taxes for all" Would but that they would.
    Town has gone downhill since entry standards for su(cks)were lowered. I wouldn't send my kids here & i live here, was born here & have seen that place outgrow the town... Some suggested a few years ago that it needs to move out of town. I wish it would. If it did what establishments do you suppose the KIDS(not adults) would patronize. They only want to come here because of Ocean City.
    They lie if they state otherwise.


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