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Sunday, May 26, 2013

The United States is Looking More Like NAZI Germany or the Former Soviet Union

Nazi Germany was a totalitarian police state that constantly monitored everything that German citizens did.  Today, the bureaucrats that run things in the US are obsessed with constantly trying to monitor us.  

Example 1 - 

Just this past week we saw this play out when the Director of the IRS, Steven Miller, announced his resignation amid allegations that his office obstructed the granting of Section 501(c)3 applications for numerous conservative groups like the Tea Party, and, other affiliated church groups such as James Dobson - Christian Family Org.  Then - there were other significant revelations whereby the IRS requested these groups to turn over their donors, and email addresses, and evidence that they further suppressed the granting of their tax exempt status. 

Example 2 -

What Nazi German officials did in the 1930s & 40s is exactly what some US agencies are currently doing - by allowing the IRS officials to abuse their positions of power to force others to do dehumanizing things.  Another recent example - look at the Justice Department's seizure of Associated Press phone records and the administration's editing of talking points about the deadly attacks in Benghazi, Libya, last year.

Example 3 -

Under Hitler's rule, there were massive increases in government spending.  We all saw the famous Autobahn freeways constructed during this period.  We saw handouts for virtually every conceivable thing - According to eyewitness Kitty Werthmann Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. All day care and education were free. High schools were taken over by the government and college tuition was subsidized. Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as food stamps, clothing, and housing.  

Isn't this the exact same thing that is happening here in the US.  First we had an extension of unemployment benefits, in most states of 26 weeks, to unprecedented 99 weeks - and out even further - according to the latest Fiscal Deal plan that included yet another round of extensions to unemployment benefits.  How about the free cell phones, independence cards, section 8 housing.  Under the current regime - there is now more incentive to not work than there is to work.

Example 4 - 

Under Hitler, taxes were raised dramatically in order to pay for all of these social programs.  Look at what we are currently experiencing here in Maryland.  First - we had a flush tax imposed upon our citizenry.  It started out as $30 - then doubled.  Now - we will soon be burdened - yet again - with a new storm water fee - or 'rain tax'.  Not to mention all of the other associated ancillary fees including; increases in car title, registration, and even a new offshore windmill subsidy fee that every Maryland electric ratepayer will be required to pay. 
I could go on and on and recite a plethora of evidence that suggest we are on a collision course to the exact consequences of what happened in Germany and Russia.  Fact is - we may already be to late to change that direction.  Our founding fathers tried to warn us - time and time again - of the dire consequences - and yet our political machinery has failed to keep the checks and balances in tact.  
Article by SBYnews Contributor - Beezer 


  1. Good article Beezer. We can begin a turn around in 2014 with mid term elections and send liberal Democrats packing.

  2. Democrats have fostered a revenge mentality of corruption and intimidation in American Government.
    They will call you a liar as they lie to your face, they will accuse you of wrongdoing or disgraceful behavior as they are calling law irrelevant and not applicable to their crimes.
    They are hypocrites of the worst order. Their party has been corrupted by Marxists and Union strong arm politics.
    The time is near.

  3. Only the hard core Obamanites will still back the communist/Muslim because their view is the same as his, destruction of our country because of some kind of warped sense of revenge.

  4. I agree with Beezer - there are parallels in the governance of America and NAZI Germany. Look at the layers and layers of German security - (i.e. Gastapo, SS, SA)- compared to US - (i.e. CIA, FBI, Justice Department, Immigration). I could not agree with you more in your comparisons. Scary to think that our own government has evolved the way it has.

  5. Seems as though all of the branches of government that were suppose to check and balance the equation are in kahoots. If only our founding fathers were to see the mess that has been created - they would roll-up out of their graves.

  6. I wish someone would send this article to Israel's prime minister Netanyahu so that he can see first hand what the O'Malley administration did to Maryland.

    I am not so sure that Israel would allow O'Malley entry into their country.

  7. Real scary scenarios being played out here in US.

  8. Beezer - do not forget the largest comparison - GUN CONTROL. NAZI Germany did the same as what is currently going on here in America.

  9. Unfortunately there is rampant voter fraud and corruption of the voting machines. Why do you think Democrats implemented Electronic Voting machinery with no paper ballot backup? We are the same as Iran and Venezuela--there are no more legitimate elections in this country.

  10. What a sad state of affairs our Country is in when the voting public can't trust our government. Now we can't even trust the MSM because it is being controlled by the administration.

  11. Responding to 2:09

    You are so correct. The only network that has any credibility left is Fox news. And you see what the administration has done to them - all but banned them from the press corp. interviews.

  12. I wonder how much time the author of this article actually spent in Nazi Germany or Soviet Union.

  13. Responding to 3:55 Post

    I am not old enough to have lived in NAZI Germany - but my dad was a Sargeant in the Army that took the Remagen bridge when the US invaded the heartland of Germany. He was also in the occupation force of Germany. He told me a lot about Germany as he was in the 78th Lightning Division - Field Artillary - Battery B. I have many photographs of his daily encounters.

  14. Alex, Alex, Alex. You poor thing. The Germans thought their reign would last a thousand years. They meticuluously documented everything they did in the belief that future generations would admire them and advance their ideals. Photographs. News articles. "Documentaries". Film. Historical records. And the rest of the world did it, too. But mostly just watched and either cheered or turn their attention away because it wasn't THEM being herded onto death trains. Stalin killed anyone and everyone he wanted, to the tune of 20 ---- wait for it ---- MILLION! -- 20 million!! of his own people. HIS OWN PEOPLE. My own father fought in the South Pacific and told me horrendous tales of what the Japanese did to anyone who opposed them. Of course, after 4 years in the Marines, storming beaches and jungle fighting, he just came home, got a job and raised eight children. Never asked for a disability check because he was afraid of loud noises or crying babies. But thats another story. Beezer's parallels are accurate, but it would take someone who has actually read some history of that period to know it, instead of spouting spoon-fed spin and ridiculing the truth.


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