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Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Fourth Scandal

While most of the media are fixated on Benghazi, the IRS abuses, and the DOJ’s interest in reporters’ phone calls, the biggest scandal of all may be Kathleen Sebelius’ shakedown of health care companies to pay for activities Congress has refused to fund.

It is illegal for government officials to solicit money from companies they regulate, according to Sarah Kliff from The Washington Post. She writes –

Federal regulations do not allow department officials to fundraise in their professional capacity. They do, however, allow Cabinet members to solicit donations as private citizens “if you do not solicit funds from a subordinate or from someone who has or seeks business with the Department, and you do not use your official title,” according to Justice Department regulations.

That should be a no-brainer. But Ms. Sebelius has violated the law before. Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute reminds us that in 2012 

…the U.S. Office of Special Counsel concluded that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act by campaigning for President Obama and other political candidates while traveling on official business, an offense for which other federal workers are fired.

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