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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Some Unions Now Angry About Health Care Overhaul

WASHINGTON — When President Barack Obama pushed his health care overhaul plan through Congress, he counted labor unions among his strongest supporters.

But some unions leaders have grown frustrated and angry about what they say are unexpected consequences of the new law — problems that they say could jeopardize the health benefits offered to millions of their members.

The issue could create a political headache next year for Democrats facing re-election if disgruntled union members believe the Obama administration and Congress aren’t working to fix the problem.
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  1. apparently they didn't read the bill either.

  2. Unions are no more then a bunch of sell outs they could care less about the American people they represent. It's all about the money.

  3. 12:07 Agreed. If it was demanded that business be unionized... I would shut the doors and take my $ with me. The unions were in the politicians pockets, and gushing over the bill when it was introduced and voted for. What's wrong now?

  4. They will get some kind of waiver--just like Muslims.

  5. Guess they weren't the smartest cookies in the cookie jar, huh?

  6. Really? Some unions are angry about obamacare? A lot of people who formerly supported obamacare are now angry. To them we can take great pleasure in saying "told you so."

  7. So, REPEAL IT! It only passed by one vote. Vote again! Use your heads this time!

  8. As more of the bill takes effect, many more will cry out "foul play" and want change.


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