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Monday, May 06, 2013


Senate Budget Committee ranking member Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) claimed on Breitbart News Sundaythat the “Gang of Eight” U.S. Senators did not in fact write the 844-page immigration bill, but special interest groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the SEIU, and AFL-CIO and extremist advocacy groups like the National Council of La Raza actually wrote the legislation.

The explosive revelation came during Sessions’ interview with Breitbart News Sundayhost and Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon on Sunday evening. “It’s just unbelievable that legislation of this importance is being written in secret. The Gang of Eight claims they wrote it, but really if you saw the news reports Steve, it was always the unions and the Chamber of Commerce was working with La Raza and SEIU and they’re about to reach an agreement. I mean, like, who’s writing this bill?” Sessions said.

The Alabama Republican argued that the Senate should not go forward with the immigration bill because it is a "dangerous" piece of legislation. “It was written by experts who know what they’re doing,” Sessions said. “It was not written by the Gang of Eight themselves. But they have blessed special interests to write and develop and approve each one of those provisions and sections that impact their interest area." 



  1. While I agree with most of what R- Jeff Sessions says in this article here, When he claims that there's an intelligent group out there with a plan for the Republican party and that there's Libertarians who are for open borders, followed by "I don't know", well, Jeff, that's pretty obvious! You don't know! I don't know if you've ever heard of Ron Paul, Libertarian/ ran as a republican, but to say his party is for open borders????? It's better to be suspected of being an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

    Yes, it's a bad bill and overall bad idea. Deport them and make them apply for Citizenship according to the laws all others have followed for eons, period. Contrary to popular belief, we already HAVE immigration laws.

  2. Democrats Republicans. They all suck, the only thing I have any trust in anymore is the good Lord.

  3. I don't remember electing the special interest groups to perform this function!

    How about the elected representatives do their jobs and write the legislation themselves?

    Then maybe we would have a bill that represents what is proper and necessary - instead of limited-interest serving.

    Anyone remember Obamacare - written by the insurance companies.....


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