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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Sandy Dumped 11 Billion Gallons Of Sewage In Waterways

NEW YORK (AP) — Superstorm Sandy released 11 billion gallons of sewage from East Coast treatment plants into bodies of water from Washington, D.C., to Connecticut.

That's according to a study by the nonprofit science journalism group Climate Central. It says that's equivalent to having Central Park covered 41 feet high with sewage.

Most of the overflow was due to storm-surge flooding that inundated sewage treatment facilities. 



  1. And they have been trying to blame septic systems for bay pollution?

    They need to reassess where all the hookey-dookey is coming from!

  2. Quick! Somebody has to tell the EPA! They have to collect their fines from God, or Satan; whoever sent us these storms! Maybe just fine the National Weather Service! SOMEBODY NEEDS TO PAAAAAYYYYYY!!

  3. According to O'Malley the septic systems were the problem. Nothing new, O'Malley was wrong again!

  4. Not a problem in this state. Every place with a toilet PAYS A FLUSH TAX &/or a BAY RESTORATION fee.
    We're covered. Thanks.

  5. I thought it was farm runoff? Here we are in Salisbury with a WWTP that is minimally functional and pollutes every day, then overflows during every rain storm, and the EPA & DNR, who collects fines/taxes for that every day wants to fine farmers and septic tank owners next! They will never have enough money! Taxing raindrops on your roof is next.

  6. At least most of it was in New Jersey, which is a sewer anyway!

  7. 9:23- you are correct. Besides, there was 11 billion gallons of waste in NY before the storm.


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