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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Salisbury City Taxpayers Expect A 16% Tax Increase, County Residents, 8% Increase

The Wicomico County Council unexpectedly chose today on the Budget and raised taxes to the maximum amount. Even though a couple Council Members weren't present during this decision, the Council went ahead anyway and the majority chose they would move forward with the increase in the final final budget proposal. They were supposed to have one more session but they canceled it.

County Employees will get a 1.7% raise and a select many will get $1,000.00 to $5,000.00 a year raises by being reclassified. 

With the City/Ireton tax increase and the County's, expect a 16% increase overall.

This is how you get rid of the inventory tax, you charge it back on the taxpayers, including the businesses you claimed to remove the tax from in the first place. 

They also raised the sticker fee for the transfer stations from $55.00 to $60.00. 

They are also discussing raising health department fees on restaurants and builders.  

There was over $3,000,000.00 carried over from last year, proving they raised YOUR taxes too much last year already. "Prior year revenue" is what it's called. 

You people better get your heads out of your collective asses and start getting involved. Rick Pollitt and the Council majority are raping all of us and you do NOTHING. The public hearing the county held last week, only ONE person showed up to complain about the tax increase. The rest of the people were all from the school board supporting the tax increase. 


  1. Joe, so glad you attended this meeting. Won't see this in the Daily Rag. Thanks.

  2. Who were the council members not present?

  3. You need to Run Joe!

  4. culver. he was hiding under his desk

  5. And if there were 300 people showing up screaming bloody murder about tax increases, that would only represent, what, 3% of the population?mThey woulod have been laughed out of the room and the vote would have been the same. Good reason not to go, in my book. They were going to do it anyway.

  6. RE: 750p, Kind of like voting for mayor. If nobody showed up to vote at the polls that day, the vote count would have been the same.

  7. 7:50 has succinctly explained why more and more people are just dropping out of the political process. It does NOT matter what the "people" want. Prime example? Thousands and thousands of people marched and assembled in Annapolis and in other venues across the state to protest (vociferously) the proposed gun laws. The slimy slug politicians imposed them anyway. How about the "public input" meeting about the Bay Bridge fees? About 5 people said "yeah, increase them". Thousands said "hell, no!". They increased them anyway. Do the citizens really want a LAW telling them to wear their seat belt? Politicians (spit the taste out your mouth now) don't give a rats ace about "we, the people" or what they think or want. Start hanging them. In public. In front of their families (so no one wants to pick up where Dad left off) and on TV. After about 50 or 60 of those pompous, self-important, slithering, and imperial idiots are swinging in the State capitol, I think the rest may just resign. follow them home and don't let them get away so easily.
    A 3 million dollars surplus and they RAISE taxes? THEY need to be raised. About ten feet off the ground....

  8. This is insane people----better get moving out of the county & city!!!!!

  9. Who were the council members not present? Why isn't there an answer?

  10. 8:44 those were state issues. On a city and county level it is much easier to make an impact. Especially since only approximately 10% of people vote in Salisbury.

  11. there is a difference in a rate increase and the actual realized tax increase. you people should do some homework.....if the assesments fell 10%, and the rate increased 10%.......that is revenue neutral. The county has found out that they must not let the cap function in only one direction....when an increase is called for under the terms of the cap, it is irresponsible not to implement it. research "constant yield" and then try to say that everyone is going to feel the numbers quoted in the post. Not happening.

  12. Maybe people do not attend because it does not matter if they do or do not, we are being taxed into poverty and oblivion. Why should anyone go in the first place, the proposed tax increases should not have even been considered by the administrations, this is ludicrous. My escrow went up almost $1000 this year already, it will not end until this economy implodes and the country is devastated.

  13. Just remember - not enough of us voted against these people! If more had simply gone to the polls, the majority would have changed.....

  14. Imclain is correct. Until there is a rebellion (and unfortunately a violent one because anything less will be soon forgotten) these slimy bastards will do whatever they want. They spend way above their means and then send the bill to the working people who have done the responsible thing and cut every corner possible to make ends meet. It will never end until a few politicians are forced to pay a price. It's just a matter of time before people start snapping and it can't happen soon enough. Public hangings or sniper style shootings are in order here. Violent rebellion is the only way to stop the abuses of power that are everyday occurrences all over this rotting country on federal, state, and local levels. The forefathers knew it. That's why they put it in the Constitution. Off with some heads.

  15. The people of Maryland are truly the uninformed... everyone complains but no one does anything. Nobody shows up to vote, nobody shows up to meetings to complain, yet we are quick to complain. We say why bother it would not have made a difference. I disagree. These socialist money grabbing politicians are only effective if they do not fear remaining in office. If people start to stand up and scream "I've had enough and I'm not taking it anymore", others will follow. Soon there will be an impact on how these people vote because they are being called out and held accountable. Everybody wants this done but they want someone else to do it. Thanks to Joe there is a consistent flow of information... he is doing his part, now it is time for us to follow.

  16. I agree with Imclain.

    If these nuts shot politicians instead of school children the message would be much louder.

    What has O done about the mental health issue he spoke of after the Sandy Hook shooting? All he has done is try to further his gun ban agenda legislation.

  17. 7:30, you are a dangerous lunatic if you endorse/encourage sniper shootings of public officials. Joe, why would you give this guy a space to advocate violence? I also take offense at your use of the word rape. If you think paying taxes equates to the trauma a person endures with a violent act against them, you cannot be more wrong. I understand what you are trying to say, but please choose your words more carefully. Thanks from a faithful reader.

  18. Who were the no shows for the day. Can someone please confirm?

  19. 8:32

    The 2nd amendment was written by the founding fathers so that if the case arises, patriots can take our country back. This country was built on top of a revolution to gain liberty, justice and escape from tyranny of the tax hungry King George. That time may one day come again.

  20. Two points everyone needs to consider -

    One is made by 10:36 - the revenue cap works in two directions, and must do so if we are to ever live with it. As a recent come here, I cannot believe that anyone actually voted for this thing. A tax cap, perhaps, but a revenue cap? Really?

    Two is that the County is still under the mandate by the State that if they don't raise the tax rate to the max, they will have to make up the 14 million in "missing" Maintenance of Effort to the WCBOE. That money doesn't exist, and so to avoid paying what we don't have, the council must max out the tax rate. The Council had no choice, which is probably why they voted early and called it a day.

  21. All of you go &*@% yourselves, except JOE... he is the ONLY, thats right THE ONLY PERSON attending and fighting and making an attempt to stop this, the City of SBY is done, the state of MD is done, the residence of both are complete and utter incompetence and need to be shot so they can stop sucking in my air that i breath... You all do not deserve to have freedoms, you all do not deserve to even get a paycheck to help you live on...

    Just be glad I don't run things or mos tof the city population would be gone because they would starve to death... I would make is so you don't work, you don't eat PERIOD!!!...

    Maybe then you would care enough about your life and others lives to where you would actually TRY to make a difference...

  22. That is all the homosexual mayor and his sneaky do nothing council members are good at. IRETON O'malley, Obama the three stooges. One destroys Salisbury. One destroys Maryland. Obama has a set agenda to Destroy America. The people that voted for them want to cry foul when they raise your taxes.Simple solution quit voting for the idiots in office.

  23. Well District 2 are you realizing the fiscal warrior on the city council you just ousted worked tirelessly to keep your tax rates down? Just remember District 2 you voted for this and you are going to get it.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Who were the no shows for the day. Can someone please confirm?

    May 24, 2013 at 8:35 AM

    All of these comments and no one can tell who were the council members that didn't attend. You are either protecting someone or you didn't attend and you are spouting off at the mouth about something just to be rambling on.

  25. It is long past due, but Wicomico County needs to go on a fiscal diet. As a former Wicomico County employee, I can attest to waste beyond belief (and it is not at the county landfill). NO ONE of those "in charge" who have been appointed to a lofty position, care about taxpayers (just keep those taxpayers alive - so they can pay more taxes). If Wicomico County Government (including the Board of Education) were operated as a for profit enterprise they would have been bankrupt long ago. CUT SPENDING NOW - NOT NEXT YEAR. Vote those currently in office out in the next election.

  26. 11:29. obviously you haven't paid attention to the county's budget history.

    I doubt you are a former employee and I doubt you can provide any details to support your " waste beyond belief" assertion

  27. 10:49.

    all council members attended

  28. 12:57 I'm sure there is ALOT of waste with the County..have you seen the expense report for executives office, have you seen how often they eat out & I'm not talking about when he's in Annapolis.. I'm talking locally.

  29. All Council Members did attend but two had pre schedule appointments. Bob Culver and Gail Bartgovich had to leave. They had BOTH been assured a decision would NOT be made in that meeting. They were told they would have one more meeting before a decision was made. They lied. While there will be one more meeting, the ONLY topic at hand will be on a pay raise.

    I also learned that the Daily Times have requested well in advance WHO the pay raises will be for and the County Executive has refused to deliver that information. The word is, Pollitt is delaying that information until AFTER the budget decisions have been made.

    Once again, Pollitt wants to send out a press release stating he is concerned about assuring this kind of information is in fact out to the public but when it's convenient and he can hide it from the public, he does just that. The taxpayers should know immediately WHO is getting special pay increases.

  30. I should add, Pollitt is asking for a MASSIVE increases in expenses from his Office. He is already in Annapolis three days a week and wants more money for hotel rooms and food expenses so he can be away more often. AGAIN, information your NOT getting elsewhere.

  31. council members have a full schedule of all personnel and they also know for whom pay increases have been requested

    the only significant increase in the executive budget is to fund an effectiveness and efficiency study of the BOE

  32. The budget will not be voted on until June 4 plenty if time for the two council members who left early to express thier views to other members

  33. To 8:32-Where do you see the word rape in the comment posted by 7:30?Did I miss something?

  34. When all the people retired from the county....many employees were left doing multiple jobs. It is about time they receive some sort of increase for all the added work and the money they have saved the county by doing 2 or 3 jobs. Why is it when the economy was good..nobody would apply for a county job? Because the pay falls way short of the private sector and people know that raises are far and few between. If employees pick up additional duties, they should be rewarded for it.

  35. If there is so much waste....why hasn't VOICE been able to point to it after all these years? Wicomico has a budget that is nearly half that of Worcester with twice the population. I would say that per capita...Wicomico is probably the lowest taxed county in the whole state. Show the waste before you run your mouths.

  36. 5:34 and 5:37.

    please stop using logic ... most posters here cannot process it

  37. This is great news --- for Sussex County!

  38. Take a look at the city budget. Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. It's a total joke. the numbers don't match up and with Campbell gone, Ireton, Mitchell and Day will have their way with the taxpayers. It's on line. take a look. For starters, how can the projected revenues be LESS than the YTD collected? You have elected a bunch of idiots and left Cohen and Spies in the minority. Now you wonder why your taxes will go up and your city properties will be "given away" to political cronies. Get informed and speak out!

  39. Pollitt & administration are treating the majority of taxpayers as second class citizens.

  40. You all voted for the revenue cap and then bitch when it is followed. You can't expect it to be followed only when it is convenient for you...it has to work both ways. 10:18....please explain how anyone is being treated as second class? 10:04....Sussex Coutnty? Yeah...there are alot of jobs there....not. That is why they all come into Maryland to work. Fact is...if you move...we still get your property tax either from you or whoever buys your house. In fact...go ahead and move...we are better off without you.

  41. Responding to 9:30 Post

    Right - and it is Christmas time everyday - (irony).

    The one who engineered this flam flam bookkeeping method was Norman Conway - an ex-officio member of the BOE. Once you connect the dots you'll see quite easily that he devised a way to insure the revenue stream to a corrupt regime - the Board of Education. Everyone one else are second class citizens - whereby he doesn't give a hoot about.

  42. Still waiting to hear where the "fat" and "waste" are....(been waiting for 10 years).....waiting...waiting...oh.that's right...just a stereotypical generalization made by people that don't know what they are talking about and that government must always be up to no good, and that sit around making tin foil hats all day.

  43. 10:15.

    have the naysayers EVER provided details ????

    of course not !

    They have nothing to offer but empty rhetoric


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