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Friday, May 17, 2013

Salisbury Bike Path Network Gets Funding

SALISBURY – The funding has officially been put in place to begin the initial phase of a bike path network throughout the City of Salisbury.

The first resolution to come before the City Council on Monday evening was to authorize Mayor Jim Ireton to sign the grant agreement and accept a grant of $13,750 from the Maryland Department of Transportation’s Maryland Bikeways Program for the provision of the initial two miles of pavement marking and signage necessary to create a bike path “Spine” route from downtown Salisbury to Salisbury University. The total cost of the project is $25,000.

According to the resolution, the Maryland Department of Transportation and the City of Salisbury have been working together to improve bicycle connectivity between the Downtown Central Business District and Salisbury University.



  1. Wow. Does this buy the lane stripe for the bike path at the north end?You know, the one with all the pretty $300 pictures of bicycles that no bicyclist would dare use?

    Is the southbound path going to be on B13 with curbs and no room, or Camden with curbs and no room? I'm sure the planners already have this in...the idea stage.

  2. $13,000.00 more pissed away!

  3. I think Jim should get on a bike and a tempt to ride this bike route. I am on the road a lot and have yet to see anyone riding these marked lanes. Not enough room. People ride on the sidewalk.
    Come on Jim ride it and see how dangerous it is and STUPID thing to spend money.

  4. I have a house in Northern VA. Years ago there was all this hoopla about the "need" for bike paths. Most were so excited and "would now be able to bike to the Metro Station and use the Metro to go to work." Across the street neighbors (hard core libs) had "been wanting to do this all along" but were prevented because no bike paths.

    Bike paths came and neighbors went out and bought all the paraphernalia that goes along with biking. The novelty wore off in about 3 days. Too hot, too windy, running late were some of the excuses.
    Needless to say I couldn't wait to tell them the proverbial "I told you so" every time I saw them. I still ask them if they've been biking lately and they can't wait to get away from me. It's so comical.
    To this day years later the bike paths are rarely used which I also bring up to the neighbors.

  5. Sounds about right 7:13
    NO BIKE PATHS. They ride on the sidewalks down(&up) Camden anyways.(I didn't think they were supposed to do that, but until something can be done about the speeding, I can understand why.)


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